
babyhueypnewton posted:

or read or write a speech which doesn't use the same word 5 times per sentence. running a national candidate is also a huge waste of time and money/resources. still the best we got in the heart of the labor aristocracy on this gay earth

i had a long conversation with a friend of mine today about this Lesser Evil thign and i said how i resent so so much the idea that i should have anything to do with politics. government is awful criminal business in its constitution and why should the bastards who play the game want anything more from me than they already get. you own our lives, why do yuo insist on making us dance for you like a whore. go murder your foreigners and leave me alone

ron paul 2012


babyhueypnewton posted:

obv the psl is terrible, this is the person they nominated:


I'll be joining the bob avakian cult

but she's so multicultural and that's what's important. what we need is more diversity in the oligarchy so that it's not racist when the status quo continues unimpeded

identity politics is the only thing that matters

AmericanNazbro posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

obv the psl is terrible, this is the person they nominated:


I'll be joining the bob avakian cult

but she's so multicultural and that's what's important. what we need is more diversity in the oligarchy so that it's not racist when the status quo continues unimpeded

yes, the psl is well known for it's pro-oligarchy stance. *rolls eyes so hard they pop out of his fucking skull*


Cycloneboy posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

obv the psl is terrible, this is the person they nominated:


I'll be joining the bob avakian cult

but she's so multicultural and that's what's important. what we need is more diversity in the oligarchy so that it's not racist when the status quo continues unimpeded

yes, the psl is well known for it's pro-oligarchy stance. *rolls eyes so hard they pop out of his fucking skull*

yes, literally

hello baby huey. leftist trainspotting is my favourite thing on this gay earth.
what about the other identically named freedom road organization lol
When I read people in LF posting about all these organizations I feel conflicted, because I can't if y'alls knowledge comes from prior involvement with those groups. That might illicit ridicule from other posters, but I honestly find it to be a lot better of a reason to know that then, 'I read all their shit so I could make fun of them for being a whiney trot neoliberal organization.'
to be honest the whole idea that the state should be held to the same "moral" standard as its citizens is kind of dubious, once you take off the blinkers of modernity and enlightenment thought. the ancients seem to have understood this. a moral citizenry who act ethically toward each other has nothing but good results; a state hobbled by ethical considerations with no higher, stronger authority to appeal to or protect it against less scrupulous antagonists, be they internal or external, is basically condemning itself and its people to destruction, exploitation and misery. i am literally the first person ever to think of this ever. *sticks fingers in ears* la la la la la la

babyfinland posted:

i felt snotty calling it a children's socialist party but its true lol. is she even old enough to be president

no she isn't. that's why she isn't on the ballot in california. also her running mate is an ineligible immigrant. when i asked her about when i met her irl, she said, yeah, that's true....

there's a long history of fringe socialist parties putting felons or teens or teen felons on ballots, maybe it's because these campaigns are excuses for socialists to be in public talking to people, and not 100% super serious

man these guys are fucked. with a teen on the ballot they're going to totally squander their 0.0%...
yeah its a protest ballot obviously. peace and freedom party only ever gets somewhere around 1,000 votes per candidate each election. usually a lot less than the evangelical & fascist constitution party.
teen felons? shit, maybe i could actually run for office someday..

aerdil posted:

yeah its a protest ballot obviously. peace and freedom party only ever gets somewhere around 1,000 votes per candidate each election. usually a lot less than the evangelical & fascist constitution party.

there's an evangelical & fascist constitution party? or is that a nickname for the Republicans?


babyfinland posted:

i feel like if were to ever give a Serious Political Speech i wouldnt be able to make it through with a straight face. like i tried to picture myself giving that speech she's giving and after a few words i crack up laughing and its not at the content of the speech, just hte idea of a bunch of people who gave me money or their time on the hopes that i would be some sort of politician they could believe in and then having to demonstrate this with a few hundred words at a mic is so bizarre and sad, its like being a magician and volunteering shows at a mental hospital or something

yes, i can see how difficult it would be for you to communicate without being able to copy and paste walls of text

you could give a good speech, I think she didn't give a good speech and thats the main issue. I watched about five seconds of it, when she got to the part about the barricades, so I can't tell if there was an audience or not but I'm guessing that there wans't. that's a big part of it too

elemennop posted:

babyfinland posted:

i feel like if were to ever give a Serious Political Speech i wouldnt be able to make it through with a straight face. like i tried to picture myself giving that speech she's giving and after a few words i crack up laughing and its not at the content of the speech, just hte idea of a bunch of people who gave me money or their time on the hopes that i would be some sort of politician they could believe in and then having to demonstrate this with a few hundred words at a mic is so bizarre and sad, its like being a magician and volunteering shows at a mental hospital or something

yes, i can see how difficult it would be for you to communicate without being able to copy and paste walls of text



stegosaurus posted:

what about the other identically named freedom road organization lol

that FRSO considers itself anti-revisionist but supports present-day china, considering it to be anti-revisionist as well.


Cycloneboy posted:

aerdil posted:

yeah its a protest ballot obviously. peace and freedom party only ever gets somewhere around 1,000 votes per candidate each election. usually a lot less than the evangelical & fascist constitution party.

there's an evangelical & fascist constitution party? or is that a nickname for the Republicans?


otherwise known as the constitution party

Cycloneboy posted:

there's an evangelical & fascist constitution party? or is that a nickname for the Republicans?

wanna join?

Stop giving cps teachers a free pass. This strike is Unfocused, and therefore extremely idiotic and uneffective. GO BACK TO WORK
Let us not forget the laughable CPS who said they saw visions that if everybody cut police spending and private contracts the dead spirits of their ancestors would grant not only tenfold cumlords in return, but destruction of the new white fuckshit
Resolved. Pack it up.
the strike is over!
According to the Chicago Tribune, there wasn't a clear winner in this fight. Both sides made notable concessions. The teachers will see their salary scale increase by double digits over the next three years, although it's not the 30 percent boost union president Karen Lewis initially sought. As for Emanuel's priorities, principals will continue to control staffing at schools, and Chicago will adopt an evaluation system that uses student test scores as a factor in evaluating teachers' job performance.

burritonegro posted:

According to the Chicago Tribune


I have an education question. The stuff about removing underperforming teachers is always a union busting canard in these debates, but is there really a problem with really bad teachers not being able to be removed? Wouldn't they be able to be fired like any other teacher? I thought that was just a problem when tenure existed in a firmer way in the hoary past.
it's only difficult to fire tenured teachers if there's no substantive documented evidence of misconduct or unusually poor performance that will stand up in a tribunal. maybe that's a weak, degenerate, and liberal way to do things though; once more dudes like us have more in common with the right than the centre

littlegreenpills posted:

it's only difficult to fire tenured teachers if there's no substantive documented evidence of misconduct or unusually poor performance that will stand up in a tribunal. maybe that's a weak, degenerate, and liberal way to do things though; once more dudes like us have more in common with the right than the centre

Oh okay thank you

I just heard that in Chicago have an arbitration system to settle that sort of thing, and 80% of the time teachers who enter into the arbitration are fired. So it's just a canard


Oh, yeah – along the way Jamie the M.R. also convinces Nona to sign up a bunch of her fellow teachers at decrepit and desultory John Adams Elementary (where Jamie’s dyslexic daughter is a student) to help stage a coup that will involve giving up their own union contracts and tenure rights and handing over the school’s leadership to … well, to unknown persons with an unknown agenda. I guess after the revolution Nona and Jamie will be in charge – we’ve seen them wearing glasses and writing some kind of plan on a Dell computer – but we never learn any details except that it includes Shakespeare and a scary amount of ukulele (not at the same time, one hopes).


I remember walkin around Chicago with IMPPER the DEGENERATE LIBERAL INDIVIDUALIST on the first night of the teacher strike, and seeing the big downtown buildings with their windows lit up to spell "CPD".

It was really disgusting and pathetic, and the Chicago Police Department-supporting skyscrapers were really bad too,.