check my privilege
stop and admire something beautiful everyday
do what my parents did, and get a job
[account deactivated]
A happy new year to all inhabitants of UTC-2, West Greenland/Fernando de Noronha Time!
[account deactivated]
i'm white and upper middle class bitch! communism? aesthetics bro. new new nnnnew world order. It's like when hogan turned!
[account deactivated]
well my resolutoin was to time melancholia hitting earth in place of the times square ball drop, which i did, so mission accomplished
[account deactivated]
why do you just merry on your way aaaaaand Fuck along now
to find God
less pretentiousness and irony. catching myself appreciating things unironically is currently weird, i think it would be cool or at least interesting for it to be unremarkable and commonplace in my life.

is your avatar ironic????

Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()

i think we can all agree that 2013 sucks already so let's just go back to, say, 2003
to read less, write more, and call people instead of texting/fbing them

gyrofry posted:


nine instructions to lone pickles.

nye was fun as hell. i think i might have seratonin syndrome again
timely warning

admirable prayer bump
I'd like to get back into World of Warcraft this year..
1680x1050 lol
to find a suitable companion piece to this bitchin 'tar
to find an actor with a bacon number higher than 5
welll ive already taken my crafts to the next level. I made a firewood holder thingy and a firewood carrying thingy out of a burlap rice sack, you put the wood in the carrier thingy and then tote it inside and put it on the holder thingy, it looks sick
goign to alienate myself from all my friends, stay home all day, stop reading books, and just game 24/7 so i can finally feel normal again

gyrofry posted:


that is really really sad


Our movement is stronger than ever. We are on course with the glorious strategic plan of the Leading Light. We are moving forward. Step up and do your duty. We need serious organization so we will be capable of really winning. We will win by being decisive, ruthless, by letting nothing stop us

6 people like this. Be the first of your friends.

I started exercising again but this activity's resumption's temporal proximity to artifactual cultural norms was coincidental.

What wasn't coincidental, however, was my distended abdomen, bloating beneath the ribcage of an otherwise nominally ungross, skinny tall person.
knock it off

The_Schliski posted:

I started exercising again but this activity's resumption's temporal proximity to artifactual cultural norms was coincidental.

What wasn't coincidental, however, was my distended abdomen, bloating beneath the ribcage of an otherwise nominally ungross, skinny tall person.

I dispute your claim of nominal ungrossness, rhizzone poster
