Worlds most dangerous places: Sydney australia
[account deactivated]
Crikey! Poisoniss voipahs've invaded the Opera House!
[account deactivated]

matt taibbi says that when he was in the theater there were a bunch of people doing patriotic hoots when osama got shot
i was hanging out with some friends over the weekend and i let a lil bit of Troop Argue slip when i tangentially brought up how the seals were a bunch of incompetent murderers and she said well thats not the real story because if theyd used the Real Story that would be TREASON and its cool because shes like some kind of tumblr feminist irl. a perfect demonstration of the worthlessness of identity politics
*cheers when twenty armed white men kick down a door and shoot a brown woman in front of her children*
*is feminist*
*describes identity politics*
*uses asterisks to denote state of being*
*my feminist friend*
americans r scum
americans r scum
lol its cool whenever jon stewart lets the mask slip http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2013/01/jon-stewart-on-zero-dark-thirty.html
[account deactivated]
i was talking to a bro and i was like braking bad is the best thing on television, and he was like, no, i really like Person of Interest, so i watched an episode of that show and its pure fucking procedural with cinematography and action indistinguishable from Hawaii 5-O?? wtf bro. wtF
[account deactivated]
stfu b1tch
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute who gives a fuck what john stuart says

*crashes thru wall* DID SOMEWAN SAY


tpaine posted:

i wont do what you tell me

Why are you guys acting so shocked and appalled that people celebrate the death of bin laden in a dumb, shallow triumphant way?

This is what societies and civilizations do! They celebrate their victories and the vanquishing of their enemies through myth and legend, it was ever thus.

Like, I love all you guys but you need to pick your battles man, really, this is like getting mad at someone for watching sports.

i just don't understand what point you guys are making my sniping at the people doing this

Goethestein posted:

lol its cool whenever jon stewart lets the mask slip http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2013/01/jon-stewart-on-zero-dark-thirty.html

I listened to an interview with Kathryn Bigelow the other day and I kind of wanted to scream, she's so sold on everything she's been told -- "it was just so inherently dramatic" -- and she went on and on about being completely neutral about everything so the audience could make their own judgments and sounded a bit smug when the scene with obama saying "America does not torture" on TV was mentioned

and also she has excised "torture" from her own vocabulary. it's "harsh tactics".


MadMedico posted:

gregg turkington is a national treasure

