Long time lurker, first time poster. Full disclosure: I'm British (with a love of the Celtic fringes, since my grandmother is a Kernow, I've lived most of my life in Cornwall, and I read computer science in Wales) so many of the experiences I have been exposed to might be unknown to American (etc) readers. I hope this isn't too much of a hindrance.

I see much admiration on this forum for certain aspects of liberal culture, such as market economies and representational democracy, which concerns me greatly for the future of the White race, for these aspects are all given to furthering the agenda of multiculturalists. In the hopes of sparking debate that will set certain amongst you upon the correct course, I've identified a few areas that exemplify revolutionary socialism and international proletarianism as being the only way for the White race to survive the coming tribulations.

Firstly, people know what is best for them as a race, even if they don't as individuals. They know that the passing on of their genes is important; that protecting their children is vital. We don't need to dilute the will of the people through the intermediary of free markets. Direct democracy has been shown to be the best purveyor of correct racial thought: see Switzerland's recent incident with the banning of Muslim architecture. If Switzerland had a communist state, I have no doubt it would have abolished Islam altogether. As it stands, the Jew-diktats of its bourgeois executive mean multiculturalism will be forced to continue there to the detriment of the natives. A second example is in South Africa, that product (relic) of colonialism. An aside: once the Jews had dropped Britain as their instrument of global domination (probably because they had succeeded in wresting Palestine from the Turks and then brought the Israeli war of independence to its conclusion in 1948) and taken up America in its stead, diplomatic and military support for the Commonwealth was (gradually, as the poison was purged from the body) likewise dropped, hence the failure of South Africa owes everything to the unnatural experiment of transplanting people where they don't belong. Whether you consider the White Race to be inherently superior, or just "first amongst equals", it would be foolhardy to expect them to flourish where they don't belong. Back to South Africa: the natives there, just like the Swiss, recognised that they must protect themselves from the alien culture, and bloody murders continue there to this day. Irrational responses on the individual level (murdering your employer is only appropriate as part of an egalitarian framework of proletarian revolution) are a pretty rational response on the level of the Black race as a whole. All completely avoidable if a communist state existed there, as we'll see.

Secondly, economics. We have to consider what it means to have a capitalist society, with economic control in the hands of a tiny few rather than the masses. This argument about the market economy is a sort of subset of the above argument, in that it's an unnatural imposition on the races. Consider what existed before market economies, and had existed for tens of thousands of years. Production was mostly for use. That is, rather than considering some abstract metric like "profit", people made what they would use for themselves, their families, and their immediate community (the village, clan, however the local culture was organised). Trade existed, but it was for luxuries or with more advanced civilisations (those that weren't producing for use, but had slave or feudal societies - the Greeks traded with my native Cornwall for tin to produce bronze, for instance). So the peasants grew their crops and the steppe herders raised their goats. This all changed once the two encountered one another (it happened first in Mesopotamia). When the pastoral peoples conquered the arable peoples (not because of maliciousness or chance or divine providence, but because the one wanted to economically exploit the other - to have an easier life), firstly, advances in agriculture began to take place, with the domestication of animals and the invention of the plow, and secondly the state began to take form as the conquerors needed to enforce certain mechanisms by which their exploitation would be achieved. Hence production for exchange began: the lord in his manor needed to keep accounts with his serfs, so he enforced tithes and taxation, and with it coinage (which apparently first began in temples; see this exposition from the author of "Debt: The first 5,000 years" for more). The peasants were gradually dispossessed of their land (more rapidly in some places than others - such as Britain, with its enclosure movement of 400 years which culminated in Industrial Revolution) to make them more pliable, and that's where we are today. I think the story of the last few thousand years has been mostly a tragedy, in that, while humanity has advanced, unleashing the capitalist mode of production, the advances have changed us for the worse. That said, I don't advocate returning to the earth like a primitivist, just implementing the kind of democracy that was present in primitive times while retaining the advances. An example of this (coinciding with correct racial thought) was during the reign of Allende in Chile, where the popularly elected communist decisively rejected the influences of Jewish liberalism by establishing a planned economy for a fair few years. One important development there which sets it aside from others is in Allende's Project CyberSyn, a system of electronic planning which could easily be adapted to direct democratic needs. Alas, the CIA overthrew Allende and he was murdered as so many other good White nationalists have been, knowingly or not, in the pursuit of socialism (since only socialism will save the White race). Another example is in the anarcho-syndicalist communes of revolutionary Spain, where, while admittedly influenced by great numbers of Jews of the International Brigades, direct democracy was still able to flourish without markets.
Another aside, but an important one: the propaganda surrounding economic planning - that it can be done by a small group, rather than the democratic will of the masses - is an invention of those mass murdering Jews, Lenin and Trotsky, taken up by Stalin and his proteges for their personal gain. Economic planning by the masses is the only alternative to free markets. The failures of the USSR and China - failures to even feed their people at times - shows this to be true. The propaganda was useful to the Stalinists in the Cold War because it cut off legitimate socialism - direct democracy - from support and funding. Likewise the Jews in the CIA latched on to that propaganda to control the realms of political discourse. For that reason, even the terms communism, socialism etc are shunned in polite society - if, dear reader, you have reached this far, I would guess you to be less susceptible to the propaganda than most.

Lastly, the solution: the socialist revolution will save the White race. The status quo is absolutely untenable. At best, there will be race wars and mass slaughter, setting us back a hundred years and killing millions of people, consuming the world's resources at a time when we have to be drought-proofing our farmland and storm-proofing our cities. At worst, the White race will die a quiet death, consigned to the history books as some unpleasant evil that had to be conquered, like smallpox, illiteracy and climate change were. The market economy goes hand in hand with status quo because it's the means by which political power is exercised - consider how much more power a Koch brother or a Warren Buffet has over how society will develop than an ordinary White family. Democratic allocation of goods and services is the only alternative to the market economy, and is implementable through means such as those employed in Allende's Chile. "Third ways" are typically just capitalism with some redistribution of wealth rather than democratically deciding what it is to produce. This is an important distinction as such a system will be prone to all the same internal contradictions and rivalry (as between employer and employee, between financial capitalists and industrial capitalists). These contradictions are immensely destructive, as we saw recently in the GFC of 2008. That pattern was the same for all of capitalism's history (Austro-Libertarians and Ron Paulites insist recessions and depressions are a recent invention by the Federal Reserve, but the data does not bear this out - the gold standard is just another mechanism of Jewish control) and it's an immense waste of resources and a source of social strife. Besides, the same small clique of politicians and capitalists will remain in control. They can, at any moment (such as when the masses want more taxes on Jews like the Kochs or Warren Buffet), threaten to pull the plug on society by moving their fortunes to a tax haven or outsourcing White jobs to India or China. We see this happening in the European social-democracies as I write this - the Labour party, its socialism long dead, just accepted that White workers are not worth fighting for even within the bounds of capitalism. This is no model for a sustainable society!

If this post of mine just reinforces your support for market economies, so be it, but I feel the need to make the case for socialism to quell my conscience if nothing else.

Edited by Panopticon ()

me ten years ago

forgot to cap the replies (got about 4 pages i think) and they deleted it when they banned me the next day


xipe posted:




mustang19 posted:

xipe posted:





Panopticon posted:

mustang19 posted:

xipe posted:




lol im not posting on stormfront, i'm white

we should really be concern trolling stormfront constantly, if there's one thing the rHHiZone is qualified to offer unto the world it is marxist pitches to white nationalists
I was just playing pool with a white supremacist punk dude that canvassed for Obama and I think is Marxist and had some tactical reasons for supporting him. it's not really that those guys can't be down but that they have a hopeless analysis of world as it is
why is the onion so bad these days http://www.theonion.com/articles/i95-diagnosed-with-highway-cancer,30893/

littlegreenpills posted:

why is the onion so bad these days http://www.theonion.com/articles/i95-diagnosed-with-highway-cancer,30893/

parceque vous vous touchez a la nuit


littlegreenpills posted:

why is the onion so bad these days http://www.theonion.com/articles/i95-diagnosed-with-highway-cancer,30893/

Obama killed comedy basically.


babyhueypnewton posted:

Obama killed comedy basically.

would you say that he's the original king of comedy?


littlegreenpills posted:

why is the onion so bad these days http://www.theonion.com/articles/i95-diagnosed-with-highway-cancer,30893/


i bet the secret about all the genealogy services is they wouldnt exist without white supremacist clients

swampman posted:

i bet the secret about all the genealogy services is they wouldnt exist without white supremacist clients

aka mormons

yes... white people... marxism needs more whites...
yeah, getting a person with white supremacist sympathies to reject liberalism doesn’t really seem particularly constructive
jools change your sig, blair's face physically repulses me

jools posted:

yes... white people... marxism needs more whites...

this only sounds ridiculous because you're looking locally, but globally and historically whites (not including slavs, naturally) were the primary opposition to marxism

slavs aren't white and they never were considered white.

AmericanNazbro posted:

slavs aren't white and they never were considered white.

agreed, just clarifying

[account deactivated]
hungarians are Not slavs

MadMedico posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

why is the onion so bad these days http://www.theonion.com/articles/i95-diagnosed-with-highway-cancer,30893/


lol the atlantic

slavs aren't people and they never were considered people.
brits and scandinavians are the only actual people who can claim white heritage
[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:

slavs aren't white and they never were considered white.

i am pretty sure if you gathered up a bunch of visible minorities and asked them to point out the white people they'd still point at slavs and don't give a fuck what white people say about it

im p sure whites decide what white is tbh
i'm slavic but my NAACP membership was rejected

drwhat posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

slavs aren't white and they never were considered white.

i am pretty sure if you gathered up a bunch of visible minorities and asked them to point out the white people they'd still point at slavs and don't give a fuck what white people say about it

whiteness is delineated based upon proximity to social class hegemony. whiteness is cultural orthodoxy, it is the norm others are thus compared and found lacking. muslims dropped about 20 points on the whiteness scale post 9/11 with the manifestation of islamaphobia. they obviously have not gotten radically tanner in that time period, and white muslims in europe are perceived similarly as social pariah. ultimately whiteness is not determined by melanin count.

anyways, there has always been fear of the slavic scourge encroaching into eastern europe, bram stoker's dracula was an allegory between the noble white european man fighting off the slavic threat endangering white women. anti-slavicism has been one of the greatest and most influential ideologies in terms of driving anglo realpolitik of the past century yet the least noticed or discussed, it's very interesting in that sense.

[account deactivated]
the Jew-diktats of its bourgeois executive

AmericanNazbro posted:

anti-slavicism has been one of the greatest and most influential ideologies in terms of driving anglo realpolitik of the past century yet the least noticed or discussed, it's very interesting in that sense.

oh. well. okay. i am half scottish and half probably-cryptojew slav so i don't know nothin about nothin, but everyone keeps colonizing me

idk where to post this, but a stormfront thread seems like a good place

Edited by jeffery ()

[account deactivated]

jeffery posted:

idk where to post this, but a stormfront thread seems like a good place

Re: the OP- that post is what got me to switch from stormfront to the rhizzone. than,k you