"The Vatican says Benedict XVI has spent his first few hours as a retiree watching TV"
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habemus papam

habemus papadum et mutton vindaloo, chicken tikka and a garlic naan
The new Pope is 76.
Who is the pope

here's a more balanced account:

ilmdge posted:


i don't read the jew york times

His leading role during the Argentine economic crisis burnished his reputation as a voice of conscience, and made him a potent symbol of the costs globalization can impose on the world's poor.

Bergoglio's reputation for personal simplicity also exercised an undeniable appeal – a Prince of the Church who chose to live in a simple apartment rather than the archbishop's palace, who gave up his chauffeured limousine in favor of taking the bus to work, and who cooked his own meals.

he's calling himself Pope Francis. What are the chances he's a secret marxist, like God?
last night the bachelor finale, and now this, what a week what a week..
sounds like a weak pope who will contribute to the growth of eurabia through appeasement... good, good.
Pope Francis first speech as Pope!!!! L:@@:K


Although Bergoglio is a member of several Vatican departments, including the Congregations for Divine Worship and for Clergy, he's never actually worked inside the Vatican, and there may be concerns about his capacity to take the place in hand.

what are they even talking about here. does this mean he's going to get lost in the corridors and not be able to find the bathroom or something

Some contradictory info coming out of the vatican on the appointment of the new Pope, looks like It may not be Francisco after All...


VATICAN CITY—Following the ceremonial rising of the white smoke and pealing of the St. Peter’s Basilica bells earlier this afternoon, black clouds suddenly darkened the Vatican City sky as Catholic Church officials announced that the College of Cardinals had ended their two-day session and selected Pope Insanity MXLV.

Moments after the announcement, the newly named Pope Insanity MXLV abruptly materialized on the St. Peter’s balcony to an applauding crowd gathered below, and then raised his arms and emitted a piercing, high-pitched shriek as blood streamed down his forehead and thick smoke swirled around his body.

Sources confirmed that after five minutes of complete silence, Insanity then clicked his tongue violently, calling hundreds of ravens, eagles, and vultures to surround the balcony and land upon him.

“Here now begins the dawning of a new era for the Catholic Church,” Insanity said, pausing again briefly as a swarm of hornets suddenly spewed out of his open mouth and flew into the Vatican City crowd. “This is the birth of a new Catholicism, one born from the darkness of the old and the madness of the new. Gleaming slivers slipping blackly o’er frosted bone and chiming fuckly kill the beast the smiling dog amen amen.

“Incurvasti in fronte mihi, mi legiones,” Insanity then screamed, while scratching furiously at his genitals. “Incurvasti!”

As a black liquid slowly oozed from his nose, Insanity then dismissed half the audience to gather steel, wood, and rocks and bring them into St. Peter’s Square, instructing the remaining half to gouge their eyes out immediately with a dull knife and await the “silent coming of the ivory snake, he breathes, he breathes.”

“Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Insanity said, shaking as the fabric of space and time seemed to bend around him in undulating waves of light, color, and sound. “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

“Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Insanity added.

Sources reported that, as Insanity’s body repeatedly disappeared and rematerialized in different locations in St. Peter’s Square, the new pope’s skin then seemingly melted from his body, leaving nothing but a hollow gray skeleton.

Pope Insanity MXLV’s glowing flesh then immediately began to reform over the bones, sources confirmed.

“I’m very excited about the changes that Pope Insanity was talking about for the church,” said audience member and devout Catholic Bonnie Jenkins, as blood and pus poured down from her ears. “I mean, I thought the things he was saying about my body burning amid the skins of a thousand orphans and then reforming into a charging black stallion were a very interesting take on Church doctrine.”

“I think this will be very good for the church,” added Jenkins, before being gripped in the talons of a now flying Pope Insanity MXLV, carried to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica, and devoured.

yet again the fuckin latinos are takin our jobs

Now here's the thing. Right now, I'm suspending my issues with Catholicism and I want to focus on something that they seem to be VERY successful at.

Their cardinals... elected a pope... without consulting the billion Catholics.

I think this is important because in a sense, what I'm seeing is a vanguard party on behalf of Catholics, choosing a leader to determine the course of Catholic spirituality.

Now there's a couple of things to consider. Is spirituality THAT important for the vast majority of Catholics IF they get elected a pope without getting consulted about their new pope? Are they really so compliant? Barring Liberation Theology, which comparatively of the power of the Vatican vs. more... people's religion... their numbers are still staggering. They've endured for CENTURIES. HOW do they maintain that kind of loyalty? Or is Catholic believers simply passive or they don't care about their leaders?

Can we learn something from that institution in the name of the people? There's still a lot of things I'm thinking about as far as the institution of Catholicism in this particular form, but it'd take so much and really... it'd be just asking a shit load of questions. But I think this is worth discussion.
the vatican proves jodi dean correect

HenryKrinkle posted:

http://www.apnewsarchive.com/2005/Argentine-Cardinal-Accused-in-Kidnappings/id-444734470b883ab7d33fbcf8e0818bb1here's a more balanced account:

Is this true, Mr. Insanity MXLV??

What one did not hear from any senior member of the Argentine hierarchy was any expression of regret for the church's collaboration and in these crimes. The extent of the church's complicity in the dark deeds was excellently set out by Horacio Verbitsky, one of Argentina's most notable journalists, in his book El Silencio (Silence). He recounts how the Argentine navy with the connivance of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now the Jesuit archbishop of Buenos Aires, hid from a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission the dictatorship's political prisoners. Bergoglio was hiding them in nothing less than his holiday home in an island called El Silencio in the River Plate. The most shaming thing for the church is that in such circumstances Bergoglio's name was allowed to go forward in the ballot to chose the successor of John Paul II. What scandal would not have ensued if the first pope ever to be elected from the continent of America had been revealed as an accessory to murder and false imprisonment


sounds like bergoglio might end up in an imbroglio
graceless, disgusting, old. the perfect leader
today a grossly out of touch maven, after a career immersed in incomprehensible dogma and patent nonsense, takes place of leadership in a bloated, hugely expensive engine of reactionary oppression which inflates the hubris of the elite at the expense of humanity. that's right, Commander Chris Hadfield has taken over command of the International Space Station
[account deactivated]
catholic church was cool when it was setting heretics on fire and waged a concerted effort to curb the expanse of protestantism

tpaine posted:

the catholic church is like fanboy religion when it's benign, like an anime convention trying to create it's own rules, and a child rape mafia when it's not, that's my thought, see ya

much like the clowns in washington

[account deactivated]
Remember, anyone who does not accept the decrees of this Jesuit is a heretic. The Pope's authority is in the present; being infallible means you can even contradict prior popes and overturn millennia of tradition. Anyone who says otherwise can go join the SSPX, or the Baptists, or some other reactionary group.

I'm not personally rooting for anything. I will accept the doctrine one day and accept the new doctrine the next. It is not my place to decide. That is pride. Trust in the Spirit. Put your faith in God's true church and we shall build a better world of justice
good shit
When he graduated at 22, he joined the Jesuits and took a degree in philosophy. He followed this with theology studies and was ordained in 1969.

He was only 36 when he was named to lead Argentina's Jesuits, a job he held for six difficult years under the country's military dictatorship.

Bergoglio battled to prevent Jesuits from joining the liberation theology movement, which drew many of the continent's Catholic priests into political activities challenging right-wing governments.

His spokesman Guillermo Marco recalled that he issued a simple order: "Maintain the non-politicization of the Society of Jesus."

Bergoglio's position was in line with that of John Paul II, who after becoming pope in 1978 directed a campaign to repress liberation theology.
that's just what he had to say to get elected. now he'll show his true colors
[account deactivated]
we've had enough European popes. it is at long last time for something new. it's time for a man who hails from a city widely considered to be among the most culturally European places in the world outside geographical Europe itself.
"Pope Francis celebrates first Mass" -- wow i guess they couldn't find a Catholic who had actually ever been to mass!

Monsignor Michael McPartland, the Apostolic Prefect, the most senior Catholic on the Falkland Islands told BBC Radio 5 live's Breakfast that he hoped the new Argentine Pope would be "outside politics".

this is an ideology-free zone *begins profusely vomiting ideology*