
HateCuresLiberals posted:

It's pathetic how the goons here will degenerate anything to drag or gimmicks to wind up their inner ultra-liberals and feed their self-loathing, be it Christianity, libertarianism, social democracy, Islamofascism, anti-scientism, etc., but never dare to perform scientific "racism"/"sexism" and a biological stance on our species's potential and the dysgenic factor of leftism. Must be because deep down they know it's the truth.

In other words, by confronting my inner liberal...

I found this little piece while surfin' the web this morning. You might enjoy it.

"Even though we may have left liberalism behind many decades ago it is still important to connect to that inner ultra-liberal. How much do you play, laugh and giggle?

If you don’t let that little ultra-liberal inside you out regularly, you are missing out on a lot of joy.

Think back to your old liberal ways, what do you remember that you loved doing? What were you engrossed in? How did you spend every spare minute when you had the freedom to to so?

You may remember that you liked building tents out of sheets, collecting snails or dressing up in your mother’s clothes? Then identify what was it about these things that you liked doing?

Perhaps today as an ultra-rightist you don’t want to build indoor forts, collect bugs or dress-up. But perhaps at the heart of what you liked doing was building, exploring and transforming yourself.

Perhaps you can create something. Perhaps you can do a nature walk or explore a new area in your city. Perhaps you can change an aspect of your appearance or transform your house in some way?

When you unleash that inner ultra-liberal and give your liberal joy a voice today you will invite and experience more moments of happiness in your everyday life."

Hare Krishna

heh i like it, you don't actually see much dialogue between the hard left and hard right

bring it you fuckin fascist
Francis Parker Yockey believed an alliance between Soviet Communism and the extreme Right could (and should) be advanced to weaken the strategic position of the United States, which he believed was controlled by Zionist Jews.

Crow posted:

Today is the day I finally get a job.

i'm probably going to start working again in a month or so. we can be job buddies, working girls!


getfiscal posted:

Crow posted:
Today is the day I finally get a job.
i'm probably going to start working again in a month or so. we can be job buddies, working girls!

this isn't the prostitution thread


getfiscal posted:

Crow posted:

Today is the day I finally get a job.

i'm probably going to start working again in a month or so. we can be job buddies, working girls!

Some Good Shit incoming


"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.

If I were Christian, Jesus would be my everything and his corporal existence must be annihilated for me to embrace him as my Lord and Savior.

HateCuresLiberals posted:

It's pathetic how the goons here will degenerate anything to drag or gimmicks to wind up their inner ultra-liberals and feed their self-loathing, be it Christianity, libertarianism, social democracy, Islamofascism, anti-scientism, etc., but never dare to perform scientific "racism"/"sexism" and a biological stance on our species's potential and the dysgenic factor of leftism. Must be because deep down they know it's the truth.

That's the whole reason I'm here, as I used to be a Marxist weakling on SA reading radical feminism, Samir Amin, J. Sakai, Kliman, data on actually existing socialism, participatory planning, etc. impressed by Marxian Jew McCaine and others, while trying not to think of the ultimate truth of Human Biodiversity, haplogroups, evolutionary psychology, hereditarianism etc for fear of being confronted with the uncomfortable truth that large sections of society who I encounter every day are inherently inferior and will have to be weeded out, and that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose. Hilariously, many academic feminists agree with this, see Irigaray etc., though of course they obscure and romanticize it.

In other words, by confronting my inner liberal. Even if the humanity of the future is a muddled mass of undefined brown, there will always be white and East Asian and maybe Ashkenazi elites at the top, overwhelmingly composed by men. Leftist dysgenics stand no chance at the end, but we have to stop it just so the world isn't utterly ugly and dominated by scourge.

It was the Breivik incident that kicked it all of, btw.

go to bed philippe sollers

finally some posting i can get behind

HateCuresLiberals posted:

It's pathetic how the goons here will degenerate anything to drag or gimmicks to wind up their inner ultra-liberals and feed their self-loathing, be it Christianity, libertarianism, social democracy, Islamofascism, anti-scientism, etc., but never dare to perform scientific "racism"/"sexism" and a biological stance on our species's potential and the dysgenic factor of leftism. Must be because deep down they know it's the truth.

That's the whole reason I'm here, as I used to be a Marxist weakling on SA reading radical feminism, Samir Amin, J. Sakai, Kliman, data on actually existing socialism, participatory planning, etc. impressed by Marxian Jew McCaine and others, while trying not to think of the ultimate truth of Human Biodiversity, haplogroups, evolutionary psychology, hereditarianism etc for fear of being confronted with the uncomfortable truth that large sections of society who I encounter every day are inherently inferior and will have to be weeded out, and that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose. Hilariously, many academic feminists agree with this, see Irigaray etc., though of course they obscure and romanticize it.

In other words, by confronting my inner liberal. Even if the humanity of the future is a muddled mass of undefined brown, there will always be white and East Asian and maybe Ashkenazi elites at the top, overwhelmingly composed by men. Leftist dysgenics stand no chance at the end, but we have to stop it just so the world isn't utterly ugly and dominated by scourge.

It was the Breivik incident that kicked it all of, btw.

Kicked it all of what


swampman posted:

HateCuresLiberals posted:
It's pathetic how the goons here will degenerate anything to drag or gimmicks to wind up their inner ultra-liberals and feed their self-loathing, be it Christianity, libertarianism, social democracy, Islamofascism, anti-scientism, etc., but never dare to perform scientific "racism"/"sexism" and a biological stance on our species's potential and the dysgenic factor of leftism. Must be because deep down they know it's the truth.

That's the whole reason I'm here, as I used to be a Marxist weakling on SA reading radical feminism, Samir Amin, J. Sakai, Kliman, data on actually existing socialism, participatory planning, etc. impressed by Marxian Jew McCaine and others, while trying not to think of the ultimate truth of Human Biodiversity, haplogroups, evolutionary psychology, hereditarianism etc for fear of being confronted with the uncomfortable truth that large sections of society who I encounter every day are inherently inferior and will have to be weeded out, and that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose. Hilariously, many academic feminists agree with this, see Irigaray etc., though of course they obscure and romanticize it.

In other words, by confronting my inner liberal. Even if the humanity of the future is a muddled mass of undefined brown, there will always be white and East Asian and maybe Ashkenazi elites at the top, overwhelmingly composed by men. Leftist dysgenics stand no chance at the end, but we have to stop it just so the world isn't utterly ugly and dominated by scourge.

It was the Breivik incident that kicked it all of, btw.
Kicked it all of what

I hope this wasn’t just a shit and run post and Thug Lessons comes back to have some more dialogue

In all serious though I hope you keep posting HCL

I think most leftists here are proto-fascists anyway: I mean the general conceit of this thing of ours is leftists who have become disillusioned by the ‘weakness’ of identity politics and it’s adherents right?....
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I’ve been thinking recently about how much politics and beliefs can stem from sexual experiences or romantic failures. Wilhelm Reich was a pioneer in this and “Mass Psychology of Fascism” is a pretty amazing and relevant work which overshot with the ‘orgone’ stuff and resulted in people dismissing it and throwing the baby out with the bathwater, I recommend it highly.

I imagine that someone like HateCuresLiberals would say in response that Reich was an “Insane Jew Pervert” which may be a fair assessment but isn’t particularly meaningful from somebody who says that “women are a hole to be filled with purpose”.

It’s hard to project strength when there’s so much neurosis and fear of women in your rhetoric lol
Insane.Jew.Pervert. any questions?

discipline posted:

swampman posted:

that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose.

but please, tell us what you really think about your penis

still waiting for an answer to this


gyrofry posted:

Insane.Jew.Pervert. any questions?

how do you think the structure and form of Curb fundamentally differs from Seinfeld?

thats an interesting question. i suppose that seinfeld was more effective as a cultural phenomenon in that it was less self-indulgently self-aware

discipline posted:

swampman posted:

that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose.

but please, tell us what you really think about your penis

exhibit A, am i right, fellas?


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

gyrofry posted:

Insane.Jew.Pervert. any questions?

how do you think the structure and form of Curb fundamentally differs from Seinfeld?

Seinfeld is was scripted multi-camera sitcom, while Curb is mainly improvised and uses a single-camera format

Sure there are genetic reasons for who we are and yes some people are held back by their nature and others are given great gifts of intellect or other abilities.

And yes the idea of enforcing an "everyone is totally equal" ideology would result in catastrophe due to its irrational nature.

But this is not a good enough reason to support Breivik in his killing of social-democratic teens. The standards of how a person should act include not taking it upon yourself to kill a lot of relatively innocent people.

This may seem impractical to you, but it is evil that is impractical. This may seem to tolerate evil, but it is the cure for evil.

Jesus taught us not to hate our enemies but to love them. So really Christianity is not the "racial system of control" you describe. It is a thorough ideology of its own which is very ancient and powerful and holds anti-racism as one of its tenets. Your ideology, if it is hateful, whether it be nationalism, or racism, or Communism, or capitalism, none of these can compare to the timeless effectiveness of Christianity at redeeming individuals, fostering real charity and communion between all races and eras and traditions, and most of all satisfying our innate longing for the divine. It is at once conservative and revolutionary, because it seeks to transform the world but it is slow to change, having seen one ideology after another confront it only to wither away.

Do not burden yourself with dead ideologies, this is merely pride and will leave you alone to die with them. You could give into liberalism, because then you can at least live a comfortable worldly life, but then you must sacrifice your integrity, you will live a life fraught with sin, and will have no hope of the hereafter. Better to accept the eternally-living and true wisdom of Christ our Lord.
Hitler got his hatred from the trenches of WW1 while Breivik got his from playing warcraft lol
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discipline posted:

yeah I'm just a crazy haughty loud-mouthed knowitall uppity bitch

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

haha i accidentally clicked the digg button and got a bunch of code on my screen. why is that there

there's a digg button??

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one of my few goals in life is to never learn what an RSS Feed actually is

Impper posted:

finally some posting i can get behind

what have you been reading lately John


AmericanNazbro posted:

Impper posted:

finally some posting i can get behind

what have you been reading lately John

Haha I'm betting the Dollar Menu

[account deactivated]
"Stomp on Jesus" was the working title for what eventually became Suess's "Hop on Pop" in heavily reworked form