
Dawkins is awesome. Too bad they're out of my size.
and that size is SMALL in case you started getting other ideas
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We're all Africans, and I'm a Kenyan settler

roseweird posted:

swirlsofhistory please tell me some awesome things about richard dawkins

his mortality

then why do i burn after 15 minutes in the sun? and wtf did these freckles come from???

roseweird posted:

swirlsofhistory please tell me some awesome things about richard dawkins

When Richard Dawkins charges up his intellectual hadoken and unleashes on faith, he doesn't just wreck Christianity and Islam like everyone else (though he does do it better), but superstitions with protected victimhood status too, like Judaism and Feminism. I think that's badass, and proves he's not just an ideological hack trying to make a buck off a backlash against the big faiths. I'd like to see him take on the queer theorists next. Maybe team up with Penn & Teller– even though I disagree with their politics, they have a lot of important things to say.

I haven't actually read the God Delusion, just watched lots of youtubes. Might borrow it from the library.
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roseweird posted:

richard dawkins never addressed feminism, he just made fun of luce irigaray, whom as far as i know no one has ever actually read

lgp's swedish cuckold has

the meme idea was pretty retarded and obsolete before it was published but he was too full of himself to read continental thought
here we go:

seriously, how this man functions in society without youtube uploads of tantrums at restaurants is remarkable
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even that was pretty old by the time he published, or at least a not very clever extrapolation, but maybe i'm jaded.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewall_Wright was one among a good few biologists and scientists who developed theories of fitness topographies, wherein certain genes (as manifested by traits) would find peaks in multidimensional topographies determined by physical/environmental characteristics. dawkins's ideas in selfish-gene are pretty much exactly this, from wiki:

"An organism is expected to evolve to maximize its inclusive fitness—the number of copies of its genes passed on globally (rather than by a particular individual). As a result, populations will tend towards an evolutionarily stable strategy."

applications of information theory (physics/statistical mechanics) can be applied to genetics problems (genes encode certain information, which transverse these topographies) to see what genes will continue to survive as the environment changes - whether generally or time-dependently. there's a guy from princeton who's applying this directly for work in bacterial/cancer resistance to drugs: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/425525/how-pathogens-fight-drugs/
heres a link on fitness topography: http://sfmatheson.blogspot.com/2010/11/mapping-fitness-landscapes-topographic.html
ich bin ein afrikaner
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I think that the half-educated bandwagon backlash against Dawkins is also mind numbingly boring

oh no our precious continental philosophy, we must protect things that we hold dear
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HenryKrinkle posted:

in it; voted 5.

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has anybody ever seen jools and richard dawkins in the same place at once
a shirt that says "We Are All Continental" but the C is a reversed hammer + sickle
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animedad posted:

I think that the half-educated bandwagon backlash against Dawkins is also mind numbingly boring

oh no our precious continental philosophy, we must protect things that we hold dear

well just acknowledging sassure and semoitics, which isn't really strictly continental or maybe even structuralist, at least shows that there's more dimension to an idea in society than what is immediately perceived to be the idea.

i have no idea what you mean about the backlash? is that a 'thing'?

roseweird posted:

this is cool. it's a bit over my head, but i think i get the basic idea. peaks represent ideal kinds of organisms and molecules selected by the landscape, and lateral ranges represent variations tolerated by the landscape? something like that?

anyway thanks for the background. do you study genetics?

the guy at princeton is operating in its most simplest case. to describe the experiment: he has a huge set of cells/petri dishes that are loosely connected - all populated by ecoli. he runs a solution of cipro (antibiotic) around the sides of the cells. the cipro diffuses and creates a gradient of solution (highest concentration by the ends).

thus we have a literal topography. there is a plane (XY) with a gradient in (z) as a function of (xy) wherein that last dimension is not physics altitude but concentration of liquid death for bacterial that do not develop resistance as represented by selection of a single gene which produces that resistance.

representation of the topology can be abstract over whatever parameters that may impact the genome. this is more mathematical?

this all gets to the fact i'm not a biologist. nah, i'm back in school for physics. the princeton guy came and gave a talk which really turned me on a to a few of these concepts as it pertains to some other work, though.


roseweird posted:

i don't think people are actually defending continental philosophy so much as making fun of him for comparing philosophy to algebra

yeah algebra is actually useful sometimes

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roseweird posted:

philosophies can develop regional variations because philosophy is primarily social and

lol philosophy isn't social, it's one of the least social disciplines there is. Continental philosophy is just a name for a loose group of philosophers reading some earlier philosophers, and sometimes each other.

There isn't anything called continental philosophy and you morons definitely aren't fucking debating right here will dawkins BLEEDS his righteous HEART, DRY, in the TWITTERSPHERE you FUCKING Heartless SAVAGE FUCKS
Here's MY fuckin opinion NO one cares the Fuck about, Fuvkers! Algebra "social" Philosoo hies ''''feminism'''', atheism Mao ze Dong

Meursault posted:

in it; voted 5.

does anyone in the zzone know anything about biosemiotics. it sounds kool. what should i read

roseweird posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

just an ideological hack trying to make a buck off a backlash against the big faiths

lol, this wasn't my argument but since you put it so succinctly for me i might as well: richard dawkins is just an ideological hack trying to make a buck off a backlash against the big faiths.

If that's the best argument anyone can muster against Dawkins – other than the crimes of 'arrogance' and 'popularizing atheism', of course – then maybe they should keep their fingers away from their keyboards, their mouths shut, and so on. It shows how nearly all criticism of Dawkins and atheism itself stems from a place of resentment, of not engaging with his arguments (because creationists obviously realize they can't actually win on any ground, be it their scripture or logic or cosmology) and, well, irrationality.

And "backlash against the big faiths"? I wish.


ZinniaJones posted:

If that's the best argument anyone can muster against Dawkins – other than the crimes of 'arrogance' and 'popularizing atheism', of course – then maybe they should keep their fingers away from their keyboards, their mouths shut, and so on. It shows how nearly all criticism of Dawkins and atheism itself stems from a place of resentment, of not engaging with his arguments (because creationists obviously realize they can't actually win on any ground, be it their scripture or logic or cosmology) and, well, irrationality.

And "backlash against the big faiths"? I wish.

welcome to the rhizzone, a place where fail aids is funny and acceptable

Well, I'm not sure what is fail AIDS, but okay? Someone linked me to this place on Twitter. I don't really like posting on forums and it's somewhat tiring taking on the same bad arguments you've been beating for years, this forum seems small too so there's no good payoff.

The coding is a bit bad.