
ChairmanMao posted:

wasted posted:

don't beat on mao because of his resume platform. he built shit for people, what have you done? yea, he might have written detailed reports for the CIA but regardless he helped some stupid shits get drinking/refuse water and made friends in the process. though those friends are inconsequential and those people grateful for an albeit brief market defined period, he made a difference in the lives of people who otherwise would have been too dumb to do it themselves. do I have to point you to Marxists.org on aristide and the clannish proclivities of others? yea, thought not!

i mean anyone thinking that the peace corps is a positive force for good in this world of shit is a deluded idiot joker

that said i think i made a positive impact in the lives of a hundred-odd people in a place outside of which nobody in the world gives a single god damn about. babies w/clean water is p cool on the balance also i made a lot of really cool friends and learned a lot so w/e


We need to use brown people (Muslims, illegal immigrant Hispanics) as scapegoats for the problems facing the country, because together these two groups of people form a duopoly of all that threatens our nation: both the more speculative yet existential danger in the form of Islamic violence – which kills our troops abroad, threatens our most basic freedoms, and wishes to impose on us its Shariah law – and the more immediate but non-violent danger in the form of the Hispanic immigrants – who are flooding across our borders and making us minorities in our own country, erasing our identities while causing job shortages and economic crises.

Only by thusly stoking the passions of "real" Americans into outraged fuhror can we gather support for revolutionary policy-making. The scapegoated browns serve both as the impetus for ambitious far-Left projects and as explanation for the growing pains caused by our radical economic initiatives; they justify our conversion to ascetic lifestyles and sustainable militant socialism as an urgent need while taking responsibility for the difficulties involved. They will inhabit that responsibility, live it for us by bearing our cross on their shoulders as we force them into cattle cars or spill their blood so that we can diminish our own suffering by comparison. Remember this, however! We do not exert this suffering for its own sake (though indeed all suffering is a virtue; we need not feel guilt or make explanations), but rather as a piece of a necessary project we must embark on as we approach the downfall of liberalism.

Mussolini said liberalism was preparing to close the doors of its temple, had been deserted by the people who felt its agnosticism in the sphere of economics and its indifference in the sphere of morals would lead the world to ruin in the future as it has done in the past. And in cyclical fashion we now realize once again that liberalism will lead the world to ruin in the future as it has done in the past. It is Fascism that is the only way to make this nation whole, to reconcile the feuding parties of the rural conservatives and the weakling New York liberals, liberals who will flock to us in response to our promises of free health care, gay weddings with Fascist aesthetics, and of course populist executions of bankers. We will put heads on pikes, we will demonstrate to our people that the Fascist doctrine itself must be not words, but an act of life even to the point of death. Hence, the pragmatic veins in Fascism: its will to power, its will to be, its attitude in the face of the fact of "violence" and of its own courage.

At our conclusion, Fascism will deliver to us a populace that is happy and cowed internally while yet still a fierce and mighty brotherhood when facing the world. As one strives to achieve the perfect human body, care must be taken for each tendon and muscle, from the greatest to the smallest, and as such, through Left-Fascism, the state will care and provide for each of its people, even though they are unequal. Likewise, the mass slaughter of reactionaries will be rightly seen not as murder, but as the saving of a life: the removal of cancerous cells from the larger, living entity, the keeping of the perfect body. In the words of Mussolini, "The Fascist state multiplies the individual just as in a regiment a soldier is not weakened but multiplied by the number of his comrades." It is in this way that the apparatus of Fascism provides the only real opportunity for enacting Leftist change.
Q: Why do you think the natural base of fascism would ally with leftists?
People are crying out for the end to multi-culturalism, immigration, etc., thus the surprising popularity of Golden Dawn, of racist parties in France, etc. These people are not being catered to in the United States and would find a home in Left-Fascism. Leftist policies supporting the right to a job, health care, housing, etc. are known to be unpopular with the right wing. However, those same people would support these policies, if only the welfare were reserved to "people like us." United by Fascism, all citizens will become "people like us," thus Left policies will enjoy unheard of popularity.
posting for a friend.

ilmdge posted:

We will put heads on pikes, we will demonstrate to our people that the Fascist doctrine itself must be not words,

we don't smoke because the doctor said we're allergic, we would drink but we don't like the taste of alcohol,
