
It's a girls world temporarily.

Girls can cry croc tears, real tears, show emotion, dress attractively, sexy, etc and get the benefits of sympathy, lust, etc that society offers until their day in the sun ends.

When they get old and are no longer attractive, they become a burden on society and it's a man's world just before the golden years.

[account deactivated]
Without even touching the labor theory of value, I am going to dismantle the entire idea of communism:
Have you ever heard the common saying “everything works in theory, but in practice…”? The truth is, communism does not work in theory because it is contrary to human nature. Communism implemented, in practice, is a perfectly example of why communism is so flawed, as a theory.
I reject the idea of communism because it is a flawed ideology. Communism, even in theory, is entirely contrary to rational self-interest. Individuals strive to benefit themselves, and in turn, that benefits the collective community. This does not work the other way around. You cannot have an abstract of a community without the individuals involved in it. You cannot have an ideology that is supposed to govern human behavior that is fundamentally against human nature, and humanity, in itself. The problem with communism is the ideology, not human nature.
You cannot have an ideology that is supposed to work independent of human beings; you cannot discard humans being just to make your ideology work. An ideology that is inherently anti-human and anti-human interest cannot be anything other than the problem in itself. The problem is communism, not people. You cannot have an ideology independent of people being involved in it. You cannot isolate an ideology and remove all people from the equation. Don’t blame humans for getting in the way of your grand ideas. That’s the logic that exacerbates the required assassinations in the name of communism: people are just getting in the way of the ideas.
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Anyone who's gone out of their way to profit at the expense of the peons in Europe. Start with the politicians who fiddled their balance sheets and the execs from GS who helped them cover it up, fuck the wannabe oligarchs who made a fortune over less than ethical investments, move onto the MP's who were caught red handed fidding their expenses so they could steal off the British taxpayer, next up the pricks who said "no cutting military spending, take their pensions instead... and work from there.
It may not fix anything, but man it would make me feel like justice is being served.

Oh awesome. When do we move on to the intellectuals and anyone wearing glasses? Jesus, if anyone wonders how the Khmer Rouge was able to convince a nation to murder itself this post is a good waypoint into human nature.

"It may not fix anything, but man it would make me feel like justice is being served."

Rage and madness rolled into one delicious donut of hate.


tpaine posted:
"i'm drinking bud light with lime. that's a lotta nuts" - me, a once time d&D poster. but no longer.

noice tar

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tpaine posted:

I'm the black Tom


When I was 13-14 I was really into dominoes. Like, obsessed. I had the cool looking light colored ceramic ones, the classic black & white ones, I honestly just had so many dominoes. I even had a fucking lucky dominoe that I'd carry around in my cargo short pocket, just to make sure I wouldn't lose it.

Anyways, I had a hard tile floor in my room so I could set up some pretty elaborate lines... figure 8's, zig zag... I came up with some wild shit. I was almost placed in the gifted program but I was too busy fiddling with the domino in my pocket during the questioning phase so the gifted teacher dismissed me as mentally challenged.

One day after school I was doing my usual thing, playing Xbox and knocking the dominoes down. I had set up this pretty crafty pattern, and before putting the finishing touches on it I caught a glimpse of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition under my bed (the one with Rebecca Romijn on the cover). I had one of those boners that was so hard the only way to get it down was to start fapping. And as far as my strokes spoke, that fucker DID owe me money. I didn't even move from where I was, I just ripped it thru my shorts and started pounding away. Before I came, I had this brilliant idea that I'd try to hit the first dominoe with a cumshot because I was pretty much set up right anyway -- it would take a really well-aimed and perfectly parabolated trajectory to pull it off.

I'm sure everyone's experienced that moment of terror where you're in the process of climaxing and hear footsteps/chatter outside the bedroom door. And there were footsteps, and there was chatter -- from my mother and her friends who were over for a little league mom casual coffee afternoon. The door opens, and they see a floor completely covered, the dominoes are going off, and I hear "Wow, your son has quite the brilliant mind," because they didn't see me yet. Then all of them walked in and I had just shot off the last rope. They knew what they saw, I knew what they saw, and the natural high I got from doing something so fucking cool completely escaped me. We still haven't spoke about it, but I do remember hearing a lot of laughter coming from the kitchen as I sat there on my knees looking at all the collapsed dominoes and that very first one that I completly nailed with my longshot.

[account deactivated]

Have you never heard of the black market? Go to the grocery store and think about how you form the decision to purchase something. Best product at the best price? Seriously though, I'd recommend reading "The Machinery of Freedom" by David Friedman

David D. Friedman (born 1945), anarcho-capitalist writer, economist, and medieval reenactor
im sure he always roleplays as an oppressed peasant and not the king or a knight
He is sometimes credited with founding the largest and longest-running SCA event, the Pennsic War; as king of the Middle Kingdom he challenged the East Kingdom, and later as king of the East accepted the challenge…and lost.
"If women insist on viewing every man as Schrodinger's Rapist, then men will fight back by viewing every rape claim as Schrodinger's Accusation."

I used this statement to great effect today in a discussion, winning a rare moment of silence and actual contemplation among my debate opponents.

I think the core concept revolves around a shared variable - a culture of terror. What percentage risk are we spending significant resources to prepare for? <5%? <1%? <0.5%? It seems our culture is headed towards preparing for danger with extreme odds as if it was guaranteed.

If our culture is to spend significant resources fearing and preparing for the possibility that every man is a potential rapist, then that same culture should spend significant resources fearing and preparing for the possibility that every accusation is potentially false.

So far I haven't heard a good argument that addresses the dichotomy without blatantly exposing the speaker's bigotry.
I forgot what thread I was in and I was like "wtf gyofry"
[account deactivated]
Elizabeth Warren thread is the new comedy goldmine

It is important. Congress chooses its own leaders, and a greater proportion of progressives in the Senate especially gets us more progressive leadership. Look at the House. Pelosi has done quite a bit to advance our agenda - certainly moreso than any other Democratic leader. That's because the CPC has a strong presence in the House. It's vital to elect more progressives in Congress - that's the only way we can see true change in the way our party pursues its agenda.


I want Elizabeth Warren to have a distinguished, powerful, long term role in the senate. She will be so important to the direction of the economy for decades, and after establishing a congressional record a presidential run certainly wouldn't be unreasonable.


I want Elizabeth Warren to educate the middle class on how they're being destroyed and what they can do to stop it.

i don't even really know who elizabeth warren is but multiple friends have posted this on facebook and they are about as d&d as they come
That is so Reasonable.
You built a factory- God bless.
i don't know what's funnier the fact that that it was seen as this courageous Speaking Truth To Power thing or that it actually did make rightists angry and indignant
It's pretty sad for America that someone explaining why a State exists is considered admirably progressive.
God Bless! Keep a big hunk of it!
in 2004 i remember walking around with my bulky mp3 player listening to obama's speech to the democratic national convention and i was like damn this guy.... this guy's going places. but by 2006 i already hated him and was trolling his d&d crew. so like how are all the same people now jumping on the next bandwagon. like shouldn't they have somewhat more interesting beliefs by now. people bore me so much.
I hated him first
why did the hipster burn his mouth with pizza?

he ate it before it was cool!
listen to my folksy explanations that will reinvigorate the dead left of this country

I disagree. The only thing she'll need is a "fuck the banks, fuck the money-hording corporations, let's tax the shit out of the rich, and somebody needs to be looking out for the little guy" populist message, and she'll win.

yeah i guess that did come across as "i was devouring descartes"

but... well... cogito ergo yum

I disagree. The only thing she'll need is a "fuck the banks, fuck the money-hording corporations, let's tax the shit out of the rich, and somebody needs to be looking out for the little guy" populist message, and she'll win.

yeah exactly that's why someone like nader gets sheer thousands of votes.


All cynicism aside, how would one go about volunteering for her campaign? I signed up on her web page.


Maybe she'll pull an Obama and run for president during her first term after using the senate as a platform for voicing support for the middle class and consumer protections/bank regulation.

And the way people keep bringing up the uncertainty of her other positions, I'm can't see that really resonating with too many people as a problem. People will just project their own beliefs on any issues she hasn't elaborated on and she just looks like a nice lady.

Replace "people" with I and "their" with my


Foreign policy would probably be the big bugbear, if anything, and I really could care less if she turned out to be a hawk, but in return we got old school Warren in the Senate.

yeah man that fuckin oldschool warren shit thats my shit brooo that old mother fuckin school elizabeth warren shit yeaaaaaaah