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Gonna liberate a pro$ttitute in this thread's honour. *makes grabby hands @ tpaines shackles*
Gonna get a dick rash, from fuckin wild & free!!! Кот мотнафаска

[account deactivated]
hah thats what you think becuz little do u know... im your son FROM THE FUTURE traveled back in time to save the white protestant patriarchy from the muslim hordes muahahaha
[account deactivated]
what do you mean titans of leftism having trouble with women. Mother fuckin lenin? perhaps heard of it?

He is not easily moved by emotional displays and can be curiously detached from his own emotions and those of others. It is almost as if he could turn his feelings on and off at will; Vladimir should be careful not to leave the switch "off" too often, for he could easily become too impersonal


noavbazzer posted:

He is not easily moved by emotional displays and can be curiously detached from his own emotions and those of others. It is almost as if he could turn his feelings on and off at will; Vladimir should be careful not to leave the switch "off" too often, for he could easily become too impersonal

More compassionate than passionate, Vladimir Lenin may become romantically involved with someone because they need love and he wants to help them, rather than out of mutual pleasure or attraction.

He is open and progressive in his attitudes towards love relationships and romance, and spontaneous and free in his love-expression. Vladimir Lenin is always willing to experiment and try anything new that Lenin's partner suggests, and he enjoys being surprised. Relationship in which both Vladimir and his partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold Lenin's interest much more than safe, predictable ones.

He is strongly attracted to the opposite sex and his relationships tend to be harmonious. Vladimir Lenin will probably marry for love and his mate will be a friend to him as well as a lover. The atmosphere in his family life is affectionate and protective.

some pretty good predictions here


oh lol
okay, i'm buying this 'astrology' thing
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discipline posted:
remember when jung chang wrote that book about mao having black rotting teeth and keeping dozens of concubines to service him in his opium bed

yeah what the heck was that about

jesus christ yall
don't appropriate and co-opt southern dialectical stylings, yanqui
Being overly possessive of people he loves and of his belongings is something Mao Tse Tung needs to beware of.
thug lessons is from north carolina afair

jools posted:
thug lessons is from north carolina afair

not originally but i've lived here for 8 years, plus everyone in the US says 'yall' anyway

a carpetbagger, ofc

great moments in rhizzone history
Goatstein also talked about how 'plastic surgery might be a good idea' for his unborn daughter in that thread, so yeah that was a Grade A rhizzone moment
You do not get to say Ya'll on behalf of the southern people.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
Goatstein also talked about how 'plastic surgery might be a good idea' for his unborn daughter in that thread, so yeah that was a Grade A rhizzone moment

tbf he only wants what's best for her ......


discipline posted:
remember when jung chang wrote that book about mao having black rotting teeth and keeping dozens of concubines to service him in his opium bed

i got this book as a present and didnt know it was basically all fabricated. i read i think about 30 or 40 pages before i started feeling really queasy and had to stop reading. i felt really bad because it was a present from my brother and he worte an inscription in it and everything but i cant have it on my bookshelf

hahaha great thread all around, quick read, lots of laughs. would recommend.
it becomes revealed that tim wise is actually a goon, a posteriori. a man professes his love, kisses a woman below his socio-economic and racial standing, gasps of horror can be heard resounding through starbucks everywhere. then cat speaks russian and predicts the mayan 2012 prophecy and that's all folks, vote obama 2012

I enjoy spiking sum of y'alls blood pressure. Seriously, I enjoy driving sum of u 2 distraction, and will keep it up if u keep falling 4 it

My theory posts are up here *motions reader's eyes away from cat youtubes*
i'm about this close to making a family meeting thread

AmericanNazbro posted:
it becomes revealed that tim wise is actually a goon, a posteriori. a man professes his love, kisses a woman below his socio-economic and racial standing, gasps of horror can be heard resounding through starbucks everywhere. then cat speaks russian and predicts the mayan 2012 prophecy and that's all folks, vote obama 2012

free huey

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
don't appropriate and co-opt southern dialectical stylings, yanqui

what do you mean "you people"?
what do you mean "you guys"?


gyrofry posted:
free huey

goatstein and cycloneboy too


gyrofry posted:
free huey

did that guy get banned wtf