
why baned
gawker is running Customer is Always an Ass stories and those are some of my favorite things on the internet because no matter the circumstances both sides come off as idiots
here is every customer service nightmare story: some stupid obnoxious idiots came in trying to pull a fast one on my minimum wage chain employer and either got away with it which made me mad or we owned them which made me cool.

ilmdge posted:

why baned

posted this comment
I'd say rape and lifelong imprisonment are roughly similar in offensiveness
in this thread

i think theres a fine line between creating cognitive dissonance and creating a thought terminating cliche which i crossed, im not a good enough troll to walk it yet.

but if we don't drill into people's heads that they are the sole cause of all their own fuckups then how will we recreate the petty bourgeois subject?
[account deactivated]
is this how it's done fringus?

now we're in a pickle, because my memes were making fun of communism, but now your meme is making fun of me making fun of communism, and by gum i don't know what to do now
that dialogue is cribbed from the great classic
turns out that we need about 250 more of those memes, they're really making an impact over here at org central hq. is there a possibility of getting a message for unityin some of the new ones? some of the kids have branched off and are calling themselves "davidians"
i am going to get a TV-B-Gone to turn off the fox news at my gym because i just cannot take it anymore

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i am going to get a TV-B-Gone to turn off the fox news at my gym because i just cannot take it anymore



le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i am going to get a TV-B-Gone to turn off the fox news at my gym because i just cannot take it anymore

harness your hatred

a co-worker of mine met a friend of his from jr high and him and his boyfriend both (gay men) make websites for fox news including bill o'reillys website lmao
Does anyone else use Gamestop as a bank?

I got really pissed off with US Bank because I kept overdrafting my account even though I opted out, and the same thing happened with my credit union when I got a debit card.

Now whenever I get paid, I go preorder a whole shitload of games. Whenever I need money, I go to the nearest gamestop and ask for my money back on a game I don't want and make a withdrawal. The lines are shorter at gamestop than at the bank and I can trade in old games and have money go straight to my savings account. Gamestops are just as prevalent as banks in my town, and I work at a mall, so it's even more convenient than running an errand to the bank or using an ATM and getting charged.

The gamestop people are starting to catch on that I'm just moving money around and only buying one preordered game a year, if that, but there isn't shit they can do about it. The best part is, since I always preorder every game coming out I'm still guaranteed to get all the exclusive content whether or not I'm sure I want a certain game. It's like they're rewarding me for banking with them.
i'm reading the blog of a guy who's really thoughtful about the problems of liberalism and the race to the bottom of multipolar actors and it's an interesting read until at the end where he goes Therefore The Solution is Omnipotent AI

ArbitraryC posted:

Spinning my wheels

Has shit together, plan for future

Oh, so women aren't allowed to have standards? *Expands like a pufferfish to deter predators*


trend on okcupid.

girl needs boyfriend to:
-make over 60k/yr
-no kids
-very fit

girl is otherwise:
-nearly unemployed
-1 kid
-out of shape
-has crazy tumblr level beliefs that boyfriend must whole heartedly support. included the line "bail me out of jail for expressing my beliefs.

also believes in the gender continuum while not willing to date anyone who identifies as otherwise from "cishet" not necessarily a problem, everyone's got a preference, but it does raise an eyebrow.
oh yeah okcupid women are bottom tier but i'm sure they get tons of sex and guys willing to marry them because dudes are screamingly desperate
I used to think fat, unattractive women had less sex like men do, but it's actually the opposite.

i guess i trolled myself and got all these right
i got the 3 million thing wrong because im a holocaust revisionist
funny enough you bring that up as if the question were "how many people did stalin kill" all of the answers would be right
[account deactivated]
sig test
[account deactivated]
"Specifically, from the time this man had been a child he had always had a strong sexual fascination with his bowel movements, especially when they "come out real long and soft". And on those occasions when he had a bowel movement of the "right" feeling and texture—an event which he claimed happened only about once every couple of months— he would become "uncontrollably aroused" from a sexual standpoint. Using vegetable oil "to enhance the effect", he would roll the bowel movement around in his hands, sometimes for several hours; and he would enjoy several ejaculations while in the process of doing this. He would save his "nicer poopoos" in plastic bags, sometimes for several days. And at several points during this time span he would pick his bowel movement out of the plastic bag and begin getting sexually recharged again. During the course of this behavior he would fantasize being with a "really beautiful young girl" who had "long hair and a pretty face" and who "also liked long, soft, beautiful oozie- goozies".
How is making 60k out of college unreasonable

NoamTrotsky posted:

How is making 60k out of college unreasonable

because all college degrees have around the same in tuition yet have vastly different earning potential in their fields. BILL CLINTON has said this is dumb


dipshit420 posted:

NoamTrotsky posted:

How is making 60k out of college unreasonable

because all college degrees have around the same in tuition yet have vastly different earning potential in their fields. BILL CLINTON has said this is dumb

What job should niggalo studies majors work

Even if you got rid of the income requirement it wouldn't change anything because the 60k thing is just a screening process to prevent liberals from reproducing


HenryKrinkle posted:


Society is addicted to capitalism. People are profiting from it and we are here today to demonstrate our resistance to the love capitalists."

Dressed in a white helmet and sunglasses with a pink scarf covering his mouth, the Japanese protester added: "The name of our organisation is a parody but it does have a serious message."

In previous protests, members denounced "housewives who control Japan's future" as their hapless husbands work all hours at the office.

But the group's "Smash Valentine's Day" rally, which took aim at commercialism, fell flat as they set off along the streets, largely drowned out by Shibuya's wall of sound, after Mr Waters reminded marchers of police guidelines, including the banning of hate speech.
" Valentine's Day display in Japan
PHOTO: Valentine's Day in Japan is a huge money-spinner for the confectionery business (Getty: Chris McGrath)
"The blood-soaked conspiracy of Valentine's Day, driven by the oppressive chocolate capitalists, has arrived once again," Kakuhido said on its website in a bellicose attack on all that is warm and fuzzy about Valentine's Day.


Defend Housewives From the Forces of Reaction.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i'm reading the blog of a guy who's really thoughtful about the problems of liberalism and the race to the bottom of multipolar actors and it's an interesting read until at the end where he goes Therefore The Solution is Omnipotent AI

