imagine a workplace controlled entirely by floridians

gyrofry posted:

imagine a workplace controlled entirely by floridians

lmao the top thread on the social justice reddit getting buttmad about reddit criticizing Eric Holderhttp://www.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/2hg0mt/rnews_reacts_to_holders_resignation_the_whole/

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

on that subject reddit has like hideously outrageously ignorant high school junior arguments against socialism which i attribute mostly to cultural ideology and also the fact that they are high school juniors, but also to the fact that commies are blithering shitbirds who manage to make "you get more money and control of your workplace" insanely complicated and unattractive

Im insanely complicated and unattractive, Greg. Could you get more money out of me?

Yes, it's a political satire, but also sadly based on the truth of the current Social Justice agenda being pushed by groups like Silverstring Media, DiGRA, Feminist Frequency, Gawker Media such as Kotaku, Vox Media such as Polygon, Adria Richards ala Donglegate, Groups like Freethought blogs and Atheism Plus, Gender Studies via Academia such as Gail Dines anti-pornogray Stop porn culture, Marxist Feminist, WikiMedia, The US goverment with programed like It's On Us and Ban Bossy.

Several years ago Penn and Teller talked about this Social Justice Movement in collages censoring Freedom of speech. Bullshit Season 3, Episode 6 part 1 ,Part 2

Here is a good rebuttal to the general Myth of Social Justice By Jessica Pacholski

Here F.A. Hayek talks about the economic failures of Social Justice

Here Yuri Bezmenov a former KGB oprative talks about how Social justice is used as a psychological warfare subversion tactic to control of western society

Here is Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals how he talks about how to Radicalize a society to force a fallacious appeal to compromise to force a socialist victory.

Here is a video about how the political left destroyed the art world back in the 1930.

A Conspiracy Within Gaming by Sargon of Akkad

A Philippic Against Social Justice in Gaming by Sargon of Akkad

Sue Gardner of Wikimedia wants to apply a Progressive Stack to Wikipidia

You also need to read about the history of Critical theory from the frankfurt school.

Here is the TL;DR Regarding #GamerGate, but be assured the people pushing for this Marxist feminist critique of games are egalitarian socialist.

If you want to know more check out r/kotakuinaction and r/tumblrinaction and https://8chan.co/gg/ as well as the #GamerGate #NotYourShield on Twitter

Moot for 4chan has even started censoring 4chan (on boards like /v/ and /pol/) and rumors are that the NSA might have had a hand in blackmailing him through the resent leaked celebrity nudes aka "the fappening". However, it is more likely that he is now friends with ant-Capitalist Social Justice advocates.

Edit: a bit better TL;DR

Reddit Mods Shadowbanning anyone who talks about Social Justice Negatively outside of excepted free speech zones. ,

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

lmao the top thread on the social justice reddit getting buttmad about reddit criticizing Eric Holderhttp://www.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/2hg0mt/rnews_reacts_to_holders_resignation_the_whole/

Eric Holder is vilified on reddit because he interfered with the legalization of cannabis in certain states. Maybe this is wrong, but at least theoretically, it's kinda his duty to do this.

"just following orders"

The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Smoke Weed Errday
FWIW eric holder had the Justice Department prosecute a record number of cops but it's obviously still not nearly enough to wash away the legal justifications for drone killings and spying, the failure to prosecute big banks, harassing Palestinian solidarity activists, being the Attorney General for THE BIGGEST IMPERIAL POWER THERE IS, etc.
[account deactivated]
i dont think he wrote that, did he? it looks like copypasta
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

A Philippic Against Social Justice in Gaming by Sargon of Akkad


really tho why spend your time reading stuff like this

i love to laff.


HenryKrinkle posted:

FWIW eric holder had the Justice Department prosecute a record number of cops but it's obviously still not nearly enough to wash away the legal justifications for drone killings and spying, the failure to prosecute big banks, harassing Palestinian solidarity activists, being the Attorney General for THE BIGGEST IMPERIAL POWER THERE IS, etc.

being the attorney general for the U.S. is a strange game in which the only winning move is not to play.

[account deactivated]
i completetly forgot about donglegate and articles complaining that nerds are too macho alphabros whose nerdy shit is nerdy & gross and i want in

roseweird posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i love to laff.

ok but this is like the 'everybody loves raymond' of internet politics humor. haha idk. don't worry about it. never mind comrade. keep up the good work *throws piece of popcorn, misses the catch, cue laugh track, exit left*

i have come to comprehend a lot of very important things by following internet nerd culture, probably the most important of which is the observation that every single person in the world who is the slightest bit political believes that they are being oppressed and victimized and that their oppression is, if not the worst experienced by almost anybody, at least in some way exceptional. in fact, one could define ones' political leanings by where one points the finger. MRAs, gamers, central park penthouse banker-wives, white supremacists, catholic hardliners, israelis, all claim to be cruelly victimized by totally unfair villains. people are self-absorbed crybaby assholes, the fact that someone claims that they are being oppressed counts for nothing in itself

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

look i already know redditors write some really crazy nonsense, you don't need to keep quoting them at me, jeez


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Here Yuri Bezmenov a former KGB oprative talks about how Social justice is used as a psychological warfare subversion tactic to control of western society

this guy is real interesting because it seems like absolutely nothing he describes about his life in the soviet union actually happened at all and the extreme intricate and obviously false detail of his story defies even pathology


Prospero posted:

i completetly forgot about donglegate and articles complaining that nerds are too macho alphabros whose nerdy shit is nerdy & gross and i want in

i dont know that you "get" this thread


gyrofry posted:

imagine a workplace controlled entirely by floridians

israel is real


daddyholes posted:

i dont know that you "get" this thread

i get it, i just dont feel the need to pander & only say obvious pre-agreed shit

Prospero please write a little about the Social Justice Warrior and what the SJW is and does because i dont know what that thing is
is it, perchance, a, uh, lady

daddyholes posted:

Prospero please write a little about the Social Justice Warrior and what the SJW is and does because i dont know what that thing is

this thing from this thing

i am not clicking that unless it is a philippic and i would prefer it to be by sargon of akkad

Prospero posted:

i completetly forgot about donglegate and articles complaining that nerds are too macho alphabros whose nerdy shit is nerdy & gross and i want in

lol 'misandry', no, just grossly timid browbeaten nerds being bullied & put back where they always belonged: the "you revolt pussy" locker
Prospero what do you think of the way women are socialized in Western society
how are women "socialized in Western society"? does the whole western hemisphere have the same parents, education opportunities, culture, life experience etc?

edit - u sexist cunt

Edited by Prospero ()

cool cool and genes? do women have them and what do they do?

daddyholes posted:

Prospero what do you think of the way women are socialized in Western society

I think it would be a good idea!


daddyholes posted:

cool cool and genes? do women have them and what do they do?

code for proteins of course. but they take FOREVER!

Objectify my wife. ...Please!
[account deactivated]
haha, its funny because hes actually the mod
[account deactivated]

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

90 minutes of intense exercise to burn 130 calories? Sounds plausible. I have never set foot on a treadmill in my life. Thanks Cracked

is that the kool aid man holding up a grenade

or is that just anothre pitcher he's holding. maybe he's holding a smaller kool aid man. hlelo? hello?