This shit is getting dark... https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/37207


Edited by fape ()

hungry just thinking about that jpg.

fape posted:

This shit is getting dark... https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/37207


In a sense, the idea that the American elite have a massive pedophilia ring that they lazily conceal with idiotic codewords is less disturbing than the idea that they are all eagerly anticipating pizza time
pizza in the morning pizza in the evening pizza at supper time / when pizza is on a bagel / you can have pizza any time


10s of the alt right's greatest minds standing in front of a giant white board with BAGEL = ???? on it
imagine if the elections were about pizza
E: 4chan is pizza matrix

Edited by parabolart ()

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glomper_stomper posted:

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Hildawg's bizarre adventure
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

Hildawg's bizarre adventure

wow that's exactly what the pats kicker did back in 2004. Disgraceful.


swampman posted:

In a sense, the idea that the American elite have a massive pedophilia ring that they lazily conceal with idiotic codewords is less disturbing than the idea that they are all eagerly anticipating pizza time

Uh ...not really dude

haha good shit:

“Other hacked emails revealed Sunday that Podesta thought Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff at the State Department, Cheryl Mills, “didn’t want her to run” for president due to the private server/email scandal and had likely told Clinton that using a private computer server was OK.

The new emails extended a chain of messages, released last month, in which Neera Tanden, a Clinton ally and president of the Center for American Progress think tank, fumed about who “told Hillary she could use a private email” and asked “has that person been drawn and quartered?”

“Don’t you think Cheryl?” Podesta asked Tanden on July 25, 2015.

“I repeat, why hasn’t this person been drawn and quartered? I’m reading wolf hall. There is something to be said for the power of torture,” Tanden answered.

“At least we now know why Cheryl didn’t want her to run,” Podesta wrote.”

Bernie's small donor base has revolutionary potential. $42 million in February alone.


This one is kinda complicated can someone read it for me??

swampman posted:

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/55711This one is kinda complicated can someone read it for me??

this is a mentally ill person threatening to bring suit against prrtty much anyone who ever sneezed in the direction of the democratic party over a perceived slight

i know, i know, i shouldnt sign my posts

ilmdge posted:

Guyovich posted:

idk where else to post this so here. the american deep state is openly feuding with the imperial bourgeoisie's preferred presidential candidate. what the hell is going on


that's sort of what tihs person is saying but i dont buy it

so confident that wikileaks is a psyop that wikileaks putting out clinton documents shows a rupture among the ruling classes

and i think that same sort of seeing psyops out of the corner of your eyes mentality applies when interpreting recent actions of the fbi as some sort of deep state fissure. we've been saying all campaign that hillary is the ruling class/deep state dream candidate. im not going to suddenly dump that position because, what... comey sent a letter, which he promised he would when he announced he was not recommending indictment. because two agents leaked that they had wanted to investigate the clinton foundation more than they did? i mean these could be two random grunt level guys, probably republicans personally or maybe just law and order types frustrated at not being allowed to investigate further what looked like corruption, and who are venting about it because it felt political. and then what, a tweet? if it's anything at all, i think it's something along the lines of what daddyholes posted that theres poeple in the feds that prefer republican leadership because theres less oversight or whatever.

a trump win is far more likely to end up with tanks rolling down dc streets, not that thats gonna happen either, but i think the anxiety of this last week of the election is juts really ramping up peoples delusions

this guy is even more of a hoot now because his feed for the past like day or two has been all about hillary rigging the voting machines and stealing the election from tHE pEoplE

Podesta on cspan right now pretending to be optimistic, what a fucking creep lmao
Franz Ferdinand in 1914; a typo in 2016
first as something hilarious, then as something even more hilarious
[account deactivated]
peter daou, possibly hillary's most insane supporter, said that when it comes to hillary, when you hear "emails" think "females," to give you an idea of what the critic is REALLY talking about. but wouldn't that make it worse? "fbi investigating hillary clinton for illegally keeping females in a room in basement of her greenwich manor" "hillary allegedly destroyed 30,000 females" "hillary's females are a nothingburger." plus russia hacked into john podesta's female and found intelligence hidden there. did they read her entrails?

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

hillary's female leaks are back in the news this morning, as
War in Iraq: A Creative Workaround Solition