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i wouldn't know
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zionism is post racial

discipline posted:

the strangest thing is how soldiers at the crossings are often of color, indeed many israelis are clearly of color (if not arab than ethopian or something) but they are still gonna flag you if you ain't white

thats not peculiar to israel or anything

honestly when you define ethnic groups using derivatives of the nurnberg laws you're bound to get slightly different white/non-white racial qualifers, skin color is really not 'the shit' down there.

discipline posted:

the strangest thing is how soldiers at the crossings are often of color, indeed many israelis are clearly of color (if not arab than ethopian or something) but they are still gonna flag you if you ain't white

racism has always been about class and hierarchy

being white is awesome in an apartheid state
white people make ads like this

maybe the reason they let you through the border so easily is because they wanted you to get in. in fact, all your actions have been carefully planned down to the last detail. you are a pawn, and pawns get sacrificed every day.
i thought this thread would have promise when i read the thread title but unfortunately the conclusion was typical self-hating about how you're not as good as some other race or whatever and that you hate how white makes right. be proud of who and what you are, white woman, and don't let people pull you down into their slave morality of lowered expectations.

getfiscal posted:

maybe the reason they let you through the border so easily is because they wanted you to get in. in fact, all your actions have been carefully planned down to the last detail. you are a pawn, and pawns get sacrificed every day.


Israel sucks...and is racist? ? :gonk: :kraken: :wtc:

Goethestein posted:


When I was in $outh kkkorea everybody treated me like a cracker god. Nothing wa s as good as these two black dudes on a train who had been partyin and were all YO MOTHERFUCKA YOU CRAZY HA HA HA and HA HA FUCK YOU NIGGA I TOLD YOU I COULD DRINK and the ppl in the train were just sitting there in shock like they were watching a Klingon death ritual
i have a legitimate reason to go to israel. i want to go to the beach and party with jewish hot body 10 (dime) girls. no one else has a legitimate reason.
i like when arab muslims use iraq as an example of how well the US does violence too so why don't we talk about christian violence on the news and leave my friends alone or whatever. it's like hey buddy isn't 90% of the violence in iraq because arab muslims constantly car bomb their neighbours in public markets? say what you will about vietnamese immigrants, they tend not to take unscheduled detours into real estate when flying.
what the fuck i GIS'd "jewish beach girls" so we could spice up this thread and the picture that came up was some cryjews getting led naked to an execution site during the great fatherland war. what the hell google.

getfiscal posted:

what the fuck i GIS'd "jewish beach girls" so we could spice up this thread and the picture that came up was some cryjews getting led naked to an execution site during the great fatherland war. what the hell google.

Still fapped


Goethestein posted:

Still fapped

too fat. must be a 1939 execution. i'm not saying i want them 1945 thin. maybe 1941 thin.

hail satan.
I don't get when people complain about air travel, all the staff is super nice to me all the time, and I'm constantly forgetting my bag or walking through the wrong place. Maybe if you're slightly high or very drunk and are a well dressed person with beautiful white features nobody is worried about you being a bomber. I love flying around inside aeroplanes

getfiscal posted:

maybe the reason they let you through the border so easily is because they wanted you to get in. in fact, all your actions have been carefully planned down to the last detail. you are a pawn, and pawns get sacrificed every day.

hahaha you're the best


getfiscal posted:

i have a legitimate reason to go to israel. i want to go to the beach and party with jewish hot body 10 (dime) girls. no one else has a legitimate reason.

Man you need to go to lebanon if you want a Mediterranean eastern quadrant 10

if you want an easy time through security controls, don't share a name with a serbian war criminal. just a little tip from a pro.
i love the questions they ask, like they're trying to trick me into confessing i'm a war criminal, "do you have a father?" "is he currently in the hague?"
i think i saw a serb in custody one time on tv to show off the durability of American Tourister luggage

Goethestein posted:

i think i saw a serb in custody one time on tv to show off the durability of samsonite luggage


i'm glad to see my cousin zoran finding work
i am not white.
[account deactivated]
is this a privilege thread
idk my brain turns off when i read about checkpoints and whatever also israel
[account deactivated]
yeah its pretty nice OP i only wish i was gay too
New pigmentation coloration procedures and surgeries available now! Get whiter, paler skin fast! No more hassle at Israeli checkpoints