joel in a landslide
the winner was getfiscal
welp, the rape was fun while it lasted. user was banned for this post, by cklyoneboy, because rape is not something to joke about.

discipline posted:

ok who won

cycloneboy in a landslide

ifap patients cant be elected, sorry
VoxNihili, deadken, 1488, Cycloneboy, wasted, prohairesis, Agnus_Dei, Goethestein (if he is not eligible), getfiscal, angelbutt_dollface, jefferi (second after nazbro so may not count)

so at least 9.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

ifap patients cant be elected, sorry

Eugene Debs ran from prison.


Cycloneboy posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

ifap patients cant be elected, sorry

Eugene Debs ran from prison.

and 94% of the population voted against him


getfiscal posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

ifap patients cant be elected, sorry

Eugene Debs ran from prison.

and 94% of the population voted against him

actually only a meager 28% of the population voted against him, due to low voter turnout and the inability of minors to vote.

why should miners be able to vote anyways? what does somebody who spends all their time in a hole in the ground running from dynamite know about running a nation, city, or state?

shermanstick posted:

but how is the quality of your stool

4 legs, cross-strut, polished mahogany....pretty solid

Eating junk food as your main “hopeless” reaction to modernity seems lame

Why not go for drugs, sex…..fuck even video games
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

beaten to the stool joke, predictably. you win this round, bruce.

well i was gonna make some naomi klein thing after reading about no logo but you pipped me to the punch with a corker of a crack

[account deactivated]

Cycloneboy posted:

VoxNihili, deadken, 1488, Cycloneboy, wasted, prohairesis, Agnus_Dei, Goethestein (if he is not eligible), getfiscal, angelbutt_dollface, jefferi (second after nazbro so may not count)

so at least 9.

that's a lot of votes for joel. Damn. congratulations joel.


tpaine posted:

what if i could do a hadoken in real life

what if real life was as Real as a video game. the emotional depth and relevance of actions as cloud in ff7.

what if autofellatio was possible
[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:

tpaine posted:

what if i could do a hadoken in real life

what if real life was as Real as a video game. the emotional depth and relevance of actions as cloud in ff7.

Nuff said.

this isnt even the real election thread lol

AmericanNazbro posted:

what if autofellatio was possible

such lofty heights man has yet to attain. all these electric cars and talking computers and what good are they while we remain bereft of our own oral gratification

please work out, lift weights, run fast, eat good, and party hard.

don't be aesthetically the same as a my little pony fanboi
Reminder: PLease Work OUt

Edited by jeffery ()


AmericanNazbro posted:

do you know what mode of action, the physiological pathway, this occurs through? or the drugs in particular that have a direct effect on lowering metabolic function?

serotonin. 90% of it is in your gut and regulates intestinal movement and absorption. sadly its an innocent bystander in all this, much like Hamas in Israhell's War Against Children

participating in your election lends legitimacy, and i will not actively participate in your 4 page long rape joke,
the only road to revolution includes killing off you democratic socialists

djbk posted:

participating in your election lends legitimacy, and i will not actively participate in your 4 page long rape joke,
the only road to revolution includes killing off you democratic socialists

rape's not funny. when my reign of terror begins, i guarantee that i will smash all rape jokes into ribbons.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you have my vote sir
cycloneboy, what if you're not really asexual, but really the guilty orgasm of a rape victim?

ggw posted:

cycloneboy, what if you're not really asexual, but really the guilty orgasm of a rape victim?

that doesn't make sense.


Cycloneboy posted:

rape's not funny. when my reign of terror begins, i guarantee that i will smash all rape jokes into ribbons.

im vote cyclonebuoy

i think the election is already over (and i won), but i appreciate your votes.
i think ur envelopment gimmick is tiresome (in a forum with 1 female poster at least) but its a price worht paying to eliminate the waves of wape 'jokes' washing grossness over us

xipe posted:

i think ur envelopment gimmick is tiresome (in a forum with 1 female poster at least) but its a price worht paying to eliminate the waves of wape 'jokes' washing grossness over us

talking about the serious issue of rape by envelopment is not a "gimmick." rape by envelopment is a serious and underdiscussed issue, which effects an uncounted number of men, often leaving them traumatized. please think before you post. THANKS.


Cycloneboy posted:

rape by envelopment is a serious and underdiscussed issue,



Cycloneboy posted:

xipe posted:

i think ur envelopment gimmick is tiresome (in a forum with 1 female poster at least) but its a price worht paying to eliminate the waves of wape 'jokes' washing grossness over us

talking about the serious issue of rape by envelopment is not a "gimmick." rape by envelopment is a serious and underdiscussed issue, which effects an uncounted number of men, often leaving them traumatized. please think before you post. THANKS.

go away and be autistic somewhere else


animedad posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

xipe posted:

i think ur envelopment gimmick is tiresome (in a forum with 1 female poster at least) but its a price worht paying to eliminate the waves of wape 'jokes' washing grossness over us

talking about the serious issue of rape by envelopment is not a "gimmick." rape by envelopment is a serious and underdiscussed issue, which effects an uncounted number of men, often leaving them traumatized. please think before you post. THANKS.

go away and be autistic somewhere else

it's not "autistic" to talk about rape, you fuckwit.

name one similarity and one difference between God and rape by envelopment. similarity: lots of crazy people believe in both. difference: God is real
if you keep posting about 'rape by envelopment' i got some excellent recipe ideas for you to try out