
wasted posted:

you never fill the void.


seriously though working is awful, anyone who wants to send the rest of their life in academia has the right idea.

personally i think you should join an anarchist squat


getfiscal posted:

i'm going to try to relate them to contemporary debates i guess and teach people about what i've learned. what else is there to do.

what makes you think people will want to listen to you though?

December 21 is fast approaching and the rainbow family is having a gathering at some mayan ruins in Mexico. you should go, getfiscal. I know one of the organizers and I'm sure he'd take you under his wing. sounds a lot more fun than being couped up in a classroom!


ggw posted:

So what are you gonna do after you study these subjects? Will they have filled the void within you?

What kind of retarded shit is this.

tom we miss you
I did my undergrad in history and poli sci and even though I took some good courses, it ultimately meant nothing and even with good recs the thought of doing a history grad degree was totally unappealing. If you're serious about wanting to do history then find professors who have research interests that match yours and try to find syllabi from courses they've taught. Read anything from the Syllabi that you find and if you still think the professor is relevant to your research interests then you should e-mail them. After you flatter them by e-mail you might be able to find out more about the program requirements and if there are alternative ways to get into the programs like paying your way as a non-degree seeking student. I had under a 3.0 when I was about to finish my BA so I took a couple extra courses to boost my GPA and then entered the program I wanted to as a non-degree seeking student and took two semesters where I earned 9 credits that I was able to transfer with me when I was accepted as a full-time student. Put in the work and show professors that you want to be in the program and speak to the program coordinators to find out what else you can do to help out.
don't go to grad school tom
getfiscal you should join an MMA gym
he's right, MMA degree worth far more on streets than MA or MS
MMA > MD > PhD > Taekwondo > MS > MDMA > MA > BS > BA > MBA
move to foreign country (other than the U.S.) and join the military.
go visit maggotmaster at his Chilean villa

shermanstick posted:

I did my undergrad in history and poli sci and even though I took some good courses, it ultimately meant nothing and even with good recs the thought of doing a history grad degree was totally unappealing. If you're serious about wanting to do history then find professors who have research interests that match yours and try to find syllabi from courses they've taught. Read anything from the Syllabi that you find and if you still think the professor is relevant to your research interests then you should e-mail them. After you flatter them by e-mail you might be able to find out more about the program requirements and if there are alternative ways to get into the programs like paying your way as a non-degree seeking student. I had under a 3.0 when I was about to finish my BA so I took a couple extra courses to boost my GPA and then entered the program I wanted to as a non-degree seeking student and took two semesters where I earned 9 credits that I was able to transfer with me when I was accepted as a full-time student. Put in the work and show professors that you want to be in the program and speak to the program coordinators to find out what else you can do to help out.

thanks, that's helpful/encouraging


getfiscal, one of my good college friends is at mcgill doing his phd in history; i think focusing on sino-us relations or something modern chinese history related. he used to do some interesting work which i rather not post about but you might get a kick out of.

y'all should hang out. pm if you have nothing better to do than to meet friends of internet friends irl.

shermanstick posted:

I did my undergrad in history and poli sci and even though I took some good courses, it ultimately meant nothing and even with good recs the thought of doing a history grad degree was totally unappealing. If you're serious about wanting to do history then find professors who have research interests that match yours and try to find syllabi from courses they've taught. Read anything from the Syllabi that you find and if you still think the professor is relevant to your research interests then you should e-mail them. After you flatter them by e-mail you might be able to find out more about the program requirements and if there are alternative ways to get into the programs like paying your way as a non-degree seeking student. I had under a 3.0 when I was about to finish my BA so I took a couple extra courses to boost my GPA and then entered the program I wanted to as a non-degree seeking student and took two semesters where I earned 9 credits that I was able to transfer with me when I was accepted as a full-time student. Put in the work and show professors that you want to be in the program and speak to the program coordinators to find out what else you can do to help out.

hey this is a good post, thanks.


thirdplace posted:

in a place that is otherwise so critical of capitalist myths its remarkable that we're all still determined to find a form of paid labor that will define and satisfy us

I know, i can't believe what i'm reading in here, it's like a dinner party discussing what the best crystal-wear to buy is

“I think I’ll be more satisfied with the Swiss glass myself, they have such excellent craftsmanship” etc etc.

Brother Adso got a phd in history and he's a pro D&D poster and works as a cook in the food service industry

ggw posted:

Brother Adso got a phd in history and he's a pro D&D poster and works as a cook in the food service industry

education is the death of the mind
education owns but charging for it is sort of like selling cds

ggw posted:

Brother Adso got a phd in history and he's a pro D&D poster and works as a cook in the food service industry

he actually got a job as a teacher at a magnet school

like if you've got money to burn to support the artist or show off a status signal, but otherwise it's kind of a racket

thirdplace posted:

education owns but charging for it is sort of like selling cds

No I’m not talking about formalized education, I’m talking about knowledge and education in general; it weakens and sullies the mind, why do you think academics and intellectuals are so weak and ineffectual


ggw posted:

Brother Adso got a phd in history and he's a pro D&D poster and works as a cook in the food service industry

lol. this is disturbing actually because brotheradso was the perfect asian scholar, a generic liberal with plenty of orientalism who was incapable of thinking of history from a non-American imperialist perspective. If he can't make it what hope do any of us have...


babyhueypnewton posted:

a generic liberal with plenty of orientalism who was incapable of thinking of history from a non-American imperialist perspective.

*raises paw*

No one will follow or listen to the weak
my advice to getfiscal is murda errbody
i just quit my 6 figure office job to take up a trade because of a thread i read at somethingawful.

suck it liberal farty farts

what i'm trying to say getfiscal is ask lowtax for advice
i offered lowtax millions of dollars for his forum in order to turn it into a maoist cell over time but he permabanned me for that.
shermstick went to grad school and he ended up going to conferences across the country and i came and stayed in his hotel room and got wasted all day and smoked his weed. is that the kind of life you want?
I might go to grad school later but i'd have to take a test probably, and send some emails. so its not very high on the old to do list.
I want to go to cornell for the pleasant upstate new york weather and night life
Upstate ftw.
Wait a second... your saying that this school is in Ithaca new york, the site of them tom green vehicle Road Trip? Heres my refs: 80s action movies, things i saw in the 1990s and liked at the time but do not now like except i sort of do because they remind me of being young, wahtevers on the front page of reddit, 8 year old impact font memes from the dead website something awful com, and podcasts. heres my GRE score: 420. Could I have done better? Worse? can you even get that? I don't know. but it is also slang for weed smoking, so it's a funny number. I'll await my acceptance. Cheers to all mates.
the cosmos is a tom green vehicle
getfiscal get a manual labour job. the exercise will help your brain probably, you'll meet cool dudes who will either be earthy types who will take you to bars and introduce you to women and so on or immigrants who may sell you their sisters. you can organise your fellow workers and overthrow the Mayor of Canada. let theory follow praxis
[account deactivated]
I'm wondering what this generations equivalent of the revolutionary union and all those other parties like it will be. Are people going to literally drive out to the coalfields and try to organize people while keeping it a complete secret that they're communists again or are we going to try something else.
[account deactivated]

stegosaurus posted:

I'm wondering what this generations equivalent of the revolutionary union and all those other parties like it will be. Are people going to literally drive out to the coalfields and try to organize people while keeping it a complete secret that they're communists again or are we going to try something else.

Organize the fascist planet-killers in the coalmines? No thanks, I’ll stay right here in my eco-friendly neighbourhood.

If there wasn't education how would we know the ethics of stem cellresearch gay marriage the death penalty and abortion