
GoldenLionTamarin posted:

this article is like if goatstein and khamsek had a child and raised it entirely on thomas friedman columns

also why are t he mods baby huey p newton and cyclone boy

maximum entertainment value

The transgendered are obviously insane and should be treated with compassion that never reaches the point of validating their absurd self-destructive delusions
yesterday i was reading twitter and i had an internet nostalgia moment where i was like "this twitter thing is just like the year 2000, when you could log on to the internet and always find something funny as hell within a few clicks". but remember that this was primarily me laughing at lowtax talking about a pusher robot or whatever so really, ymmv.
also i already have a forum's role which is why i can't be mod: i am an orderly at IFAP and talk to the patients. also if i was ever given control of the forum i would wait until discipline fell asleep and then ifap and probate everyone.

getfiscal posted:

also i already have a forum's role which is why i can't be mod: i am an orderly at IFAP and talk to the patients. also if i was ever given control of the forum i would wait until discipline fell asleep and then ifap and probate everyone.

why are you counting your plans to improve this website as a strike against you


GoldenLionTamarin posted:

why are you counting your plans to improve this website as a strike against you

the rhizzone has grown on me because most people who post here seem preposterous. like they are such characters and it's like yup that's what they do 24 hours a day.

Also goatstein files his taxes here for some reason
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discipline posted:

I'm not transphobic tho

to be honest, just before i fell asleep after reading this article i thought to myself "i wonder what ambiguous and somewhat distasteful thing discipline will post about this. guess i'll find out when i wake up."

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getfiscal posted:

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

why are you counting your plans to improve this website as a strike against you

the rhizzone has grown on me because most people who post here seem preposterous. like they are such characters and it's like yup that's what they do 24 hours a day.

I'm a real person with a real life.


discipline posted:

I'm actually flat out shocked that they published that piece. it's really nasty and who even cares about some twitter fight involving your writer friend

Um this is the Guardian and the original piece by Moore was in the New Statesman, i'm pretty sure that's all they care about.

It was a truly absurd article

She framed it as her and Moore, to salt-of-the-earth working class lasses (with national newspaper columns) as being the victims of the privileged, over-educated trans mafia.

That prolier-than-thou shit is too funny coming from people writing for the fucking Guardian.
[account deactivated]
im pretty sure she's said worse tbf

discipline posted:

I don't think she'll ever work again

surely there are tasks she could be assigned in the cisgulag.

actually scratch that her previous oeuvres have included rants against asylum seekers, Islam, supporting the war in Afghanistan (and the Soviet one 30 years ago interestingly), "dole scroungers", etc. etc. all of which have plenty of cachet with enough people. whereas the only folk who pay much attn to trans issues are horrified at this latest. actually she should come post here as she may just be fed up with how boring her liberal colleagues are

discipline posted:

I don't think she'll ever work again

she's made a career out of this sort of thing already, she'll be "fine"

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
she's made a career out of this sort of thing already, she'll be "fine"

yeah but to be honest, there isn't the same kind of outcry and sustained active opposition of anti-muslim, anti-palestinian, pro-war pundits

I’m aware of the crazies at wddp harassing you and such, but is this really a “thing”? I dunno, I’m kinda sceptical of subscribing to this idea of a trans mafia, especially when it was just some twitter crap to begin with in this case.


discipline posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

she's made a career out of this sort of thing already, she'll be "fine"

yeah but to be honest, there isn't the same kind of outcry and sustained active opposition of anti-muslim, anti-palestinian, pro-war pundits

it would take a lot of effort to have outcry & opposition to literally everyone


drwhat posted:

discipline posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:
she's made a career out of this sort of thing already, she'll be "fine"
yeah but to be honest, there isn't the same kind of outcry and sustained active opposition of anti-muslim, anti-palestinian, pro-war pundits

it would take a lot of effort to have outcry & opposition to literally everyone

Not really. Sullen teenagers come closest to this position and all they have to do is choose a certain aesthetic and judge things around them according to the standards of that aesthetic.

Listening to linkin park isn’t really “hard”


discipline posted:

I don't think she'll ever work again

lol @ the idea of a transphobe losing career options when Janice Raymond, personally responsible for ruining tons of trans people's lives in the USA, is still gainfully employed.

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discipline posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
I’m aware of the crazies at wddp harassing you and such, but is this really a “thing”? I dunno, I’m kinda sceptical of subscribing to this idea of a trans mafia, especially when it was just some twitter crap to begin with in this case.

the guy who wrote a book on autogynephilia had photos of his children posted online by andrea james (author of popular online resource tsroadmap), with suggestions that people gang rape his daughter. ethicist alice dreger wrote a paper on it.

Yes and a teacher in Sudan innocuously called a teddy bear Mohammed which led to tens of thousands of people marching through Khartoum waving machetes and threatening to kill her.

Melanie Philips, author of many popular pieces on the Daily Mail, wrote an article about it. http://www.melaniephillips.com/no-teddy-bears-picnic-in-sudan

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the woman who opened England's first battered women's shelter received death threats, the bomb squad had to go through her mail, she was stalked, and some ppl killed her dog for daring to suggest that women are capable of violence. i blame teh feminazis.
Maybe her dog shouldnt have suggested that.
Just that if a conservative populist wrote a piece with that level of bile against muslims, i suspect your first response would have been different, and wouldn’t involve an implied warning that the journalist should watch out because Those People are violent fanatics.
the percentage of radfem writers who are the victim of crimes as a result of insulting transgender people is incredibly small. its a lot smaller than, for example, the percentage of transgender people who kill themselves or are murdered because of the kind of attitude in this article
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"autogynepheliac" does that mean "masturbator"
yeah i was going to add that shes not radical at all about anything, but its the same sort of point TERF writers would make so i lumped her in

man posting about this stuff is a lot less gratifying than posting pictures of the mcrib
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