
GoldenLionTamarin posted:

Yes, and I think the muslim comparison is appropriate. In both cases, radfems and daily mail writers frame the argument to ascribe a whole lot of power (“trans people are undermining gender progression!” “muslims are bringing creeping sharia to destroy our way of life”) to groups who really don’t have much social power at all. They also use examples of the extremist end of the trans/muslim spectrum and label the whole group with it.

I understand the debate is complicated but a lot of these criticisms of the trans movement strike me as rhetorical bigotry 101

TERF writers
btw Discipline, you have a struggle session to attend to.
Tyrann Esaurus Rex Fanclub
me and the TERF boys. Totally Erratic Retard Fuckers, Fucker.
[account deactivated]
on one hand there's a bigoted zionist lady, on the other there's trans people who literally want to kill everyone that are appeased by chamberlains of the left. seems to me like the truth's in the middle. i'm a south park feminist (SPF).
Get off my TERF. Tremendously Electric...retard fuckers.. Okay i'm out of here

discipline posted:

I don't know what TERF means

trans exclusionary radical feminist

[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

me and the TERF boys. Totally Erratic Retard Fuckers, Fucker.

Welcome T’ Erf

anyway, trans people are hilarious

discipline posted:

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

trans exclusionary radical feminist

I wonder how many of these TERfs are actually couched in theory or just weird tumblr girls being bigots and haters

the world of gender theory is full of haters


drwhat posted:

anyway, trans people are hilarious

Yeah agreed, there’s a whole lot of talent amongst the great gamut of trans comedians and entertainers on TV and the movies.

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

anyway it's not my field or even really an interest of mine anymore.

Same. its been fun posting with you. Lets do it again some time

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

what do you want to post about next time

how you're going to apologize for being a rape apologist, in the thread, where i told you to do so, as I am the mod

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I think there are important conversations that need to happen between women about what female spaces mean, what it means to be a woman, what does woman mean, what is the history of woman etc, but it's unfortunate that people get in the way of that with their petty fears, insecurities and hatred. anyway it's not my field or even really an interest of mine anymore.

Fair enough. I know they’re complicated debates about spaces and privilege, and as a white cis-male I’m about the last person who really needs to be contributing to it.

I used to think that the trans community was a bit “hysterical” or involved in special pleading until I saw the stats for what kind of marginalization and violence they are faced with.

I guess it would just be nice if we could “all get along” given that this is the sort of thing on the enemy side…..specifically the rather nasty rise of MRA:


You can say someone wants to legalise relationship rape, or you can put it another way: there should not to be a law against relationship rape. Putting it in the first way sounds more like you are actively in favour of rape.
Note the word rape has become such an inflamed term. Rape has changed from meaning sex without consent to: one of the worst things that could ever happen, so traumatic that the woman will never get over it.

I am not a woman and I have not been raped so I won't annoy you by telling you how you are supposed to feel if you have been raped or that it is no big deal. What I will say though is that there is a social pressure to feel like the worst thing has happenned to you, whether it was in itself the worst thing ever. So it isnt the event itself which is traumatic (though it may be); the main reason you feel traumatised is because society tells you you must feel traumatised.

What is it about rape that makes it a bad thing? If a man starts having sex with you and you relent and acquiesce, and the man is not intending to harm you but give you pleasure, it is possible that you could then come to enjoy the sex. This I guess is the narrative of a lot of women's rape fantasies. My point being is that consent, or whether you are okay with something, is a frame of mind and so can be achieved before during and after the event.

I can understand,if you are a woman, that you are adamant that you should have a natural right not to have the man in your relationship have sex with you without your consent. But there is no way of ensuring that right. The law doesn't do it, does it? Plus sending a husband to jail for say 5 years does what? Yes you get the joy of seeing him punished. But I fail to see how it would achieve anything but turn the guy into a woman hating man out for revenge. Plus there is the expense involved of court and prison. These laws affecting personal relationships also encourage couples not to resolve problems by themselves but turn to the state to act as mediator, which often creates more tension. Not to mention the feeling that at any point your partner could go to the police and report you whether it is true or not.

To make rape the worst thing in the world for a woman gives incredible power to men and does not benefit women. Rape is sex. Sex is good for a woman, a woman enjoys sex. It isn't good to associate what should be one of the best experiences for a woman with one of the worst.

Sorry I know it’s kind of dirty just reading that stuff but I was taken aback because i don’t come across earnest rape-apologism of that calibre

discipline posted:

quiet cycloneboy, adults are speaking

Warning shot.


GoldenLionTamarin posted:

the percentage of radfem writers who are the victim of crimes as a result of insulting transgender people is incredibly small. its a lot smaller than, for example, the percentage of transgender people who kill themselves or are murdered because of the kind of attitude in this article

how many transpeople are hatemurdered in the first world annually

it's gotta be in the single digits


Goethestein posted:

GoldenLionTamarin posted:
the percentage of radfem writers who are the victim of crimes as a result of insulting transgender people is incredibly small. its a lot smaller than, for example, the percentage of transgender people who kill themselves or are murdered because of the kind of attitude in this article

how many transpeople are hatemurdered in the first world annually

it's gotta be in the single digits

I don’t know but I’m willing to believe their claims of marginalization, violence and oppression, given that even people on the supposed left seem to relish in mocking not just their social movement, but the actual being of who they are.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:


i was strongly considering troll-supporting this guy for some self-amusement but then

Rape is sex. Sex is good for a woman,

lmao i can't


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Goethestein posted:

GoldenLionTamarin posted:
the percentage of radfem writers who are the victim of crimes as a result of insulting transgender people is incredibly small. its a lot smaller than, for example, the percentage of transgender people who kill themselves or are murdered because of the kind of attitude in this article

how many transpeople are hatemurdered in the first world annually

it's gotta be in the single digits

I don’t know but I’m willing to believe their claims of marginalization, violence and oppression, given that even people on the supposed left seem to relish in mocking not just their social movement, but the actual being of who they are.

same, but with men.


Goethestein posted:

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

the percentage of radfem writers who are the victim of crimes as a result of insulting transgender people is incredibly small. its a lot smaller than, for example, the percentage of transgender people who kill themselves or are murdered because of the kind of attitude in this article

how many transpeople are hatemurdered in the first world annually

it's gotta be in the single digits

double digits iirc which is pretty significant because it;s like a tenth of a percent of the population or something like that. and that doesnt count non lethal assaults or suicides due to harassment. so its a lot

edit: its double digits in america but its triple digits worldwide. idk about the first world specifically

Edited by GoldenLionTamarin ()


discipline posted:

having lived as someone who has been stalked and threatened with death, I think it is cowardly and not appropiate under any circumstances

did anyone actually stalk you besides 'fear of a black knob', a confirmed creep who was later revealed to have sexually harassed multiple trans women?


drwhat posted:

anyway, trans people are hilarious

can you just try not being an asshole. like, just try it?


Lessons posted:

drwhat posted:

anyway, trans people are hilarious

can you just try not being an asshole. like, just try it?

tried it once, didn't like it.

shut up. you and goatstein are the reason no one posts on this forum
also the fact that baby huey p newton is an actual sex tourist. and also my posting, which is bad hahahahahahah
[account deactivated]

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

also the fact that baby huey p newton is an actual sex tourist. and also my posting, which is bad hahahahahahah

baby huey p newton


Lessons posted:

shut up. you and goatstein are the reason no one posts on this forum

i hate to state the obvious but i'm pretty sure people don't post here because it's a known hate site where saying Fail Aids is considered funny and acceptable


discipline posted:

Lessons posted:

did anyone actually stalk you besides 'fear of a black knob', a confirmed creep who was later revealed to have sexually harassed multiple trans women?

I'm not just speaking of my online experience. I've been stalked irl by people who have nothing to do with my online existance.

over your views on trans women?

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

no. it doesn't matter why. pretty sure the point of my mentioning that was that it's not acceptable behavior under any circumstances or for any reason.

well people read it as suggesting that the ~*Trans Mafia*~ will stalk and harass you if you ever cross their politically correct stasi. which isn't an entirely absurd reading considering the context you posted it in


Lessons posted:

shut up. you and goatstein are the reason no one posts on this forum

what the --


Lessons posted:

drwhat posted:

anyway, trans people are hilarious

can you just try not being an asshole. like, just try it?

oh get over yourself. i didn't say cis people are somehow magically not hilarious.