nnnno naxals arent.... what.... please tell us more about your understandingof indian politics....

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youre forgetting choina

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jools posted:

theyre like out of a really bad-good movie or something

i like this one because they spell harvard as "haferd" and i really think its deliberate

[account deactivated]
great. rhizzDEATH TO AMERICAone is the only place where saying "taliban is bad" is edgy, risque and provocative

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stop trolling

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mustang19 posted:

great. rhizzone is the only place where saying "taliban is bad" is edgy, risque and provocative

As the United States murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans this great nation was weighted with much sin.

Then lo and behold a rich Saudi living in Pakistan gave his life so that America may not be held accountable for its actions. With Osama's Christlike sacrifice the heavy burden of America's crimes were absolved.

The United States should build shrines to him and worship him like a god for his great deed.


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I just read that there's going to be an American remake of Four Lions and Fred Armisen will be in it.

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polls conducted around the world have a generally favorable view of america in most nations
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
well i thought this might be a mustang educational opportunity

at least there were some cool links & vids

mustang19 posted:

the problem is that i can never be indifferent

Why? I'll never understand this hubris, there are many issues in this world for which your opinion or actions are entirely irrelevant


mustang19 posted:

drwhat posted:

tbh i think the upper middle class white first world perspective on it is akin to snickering because someone has a spot of red wine on their $8,000 evening dress. how embarrassing! oh those brown gentlemen aren't immediately laying down for you to rape them. ahaha how embarrassing.

but the sad fact is that we're all upper middle class (or bohemian) first worlders, no offense to any non-book learned individuals here, and sometimes it seems like we're pretty much supporting these crazy religious fucks to offend our parents. logically if you support al qaeda then timothy mcveigh and other religious crazies seem appealing.

wait what's the difference between mcveigh and bin laden? they were both social conservatives who committed terrorist attacks in response to violence against civilians by the US government

Edited by Ironicwarcriminal ()

one of the first threads i made in lf was about the principled revolutionary force that is the taliban, praising them for not allowing mindless liberal indulgences like music. I think i even made a case for blowing up the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

good times
[account deactivated]
what's your angle?

i remember mine having something to do with a swedish aid agency that prioritized funding for the statues over the health of the local kids

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Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I think i even made a case for blowing up the Buddhas of Bamiyan.



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mustang19 posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

mustang19 posted:

drwhat posted:

tbh i think the upper middle class white first world perspective on it is akin to snickering because someone has a spot of red wine on their $8,000 evening dress. how embarrassing! oh those brown gentlemen aren't immediately laying down for you to rape them. ahaha how embarrassing.

but the sad fact is that we're all upper middle class (or bohemian) first worlders, no offense to any non-book learned individuals here, and sometimes it seems like we're pretty much supporting these crazy religious fucks to offend our parents. logically if you support al qaeda then timothy mcveigh and other religious crazies seem appealing.

wait what's the difference between mcveigh and bin laden? they were both social conservatives who committed terrorist attacks in response to violence against civilians by the US government

but they did it for different reasons. the christian taliban didn't like social security and the islamic taliban doesn't like them either. is it possible for two reactionary forces to fight each other? i guess so.

you can't be serious: the OKC bombing was a response to the violence at ruby ridge and especially Waco.

don't forget that bin laden and mcveigh have a common enemy in the clinton administration

Edited by mustang19 ()


IronicWarCriminal posted:

Before the terrorists attacks of 9/11, the Taliban were primarily known in the west for two things; an abstract concern about womens rights and their destruction of the ancient Buddhas of Bamyan, constructed 1500 years ago in the high valleys of central Afghanistan.

Liberals the world over, more concerned with the iconography of a shallow Hollywood religion than the well-being of actual, living muslim children, united in sanctimonious hyperbole.

According to the then Taliban ambassador at large, Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi


"We captured those area three years from now, if we want to destroy the statues, why didn't we do that three years ago?" asked Hashimi.

Hashimi added that this decision was taken after a Swedish monuments expert proposed to fix and rebuild the statues' heads, which were already destroyed. When the Afghani head council asked them to provide the money to feed the children instead of fixing the statues, they refused and said, "No, the money is just for the statues, not for the children". Herein, they made the decision to destroy the statues.

"These people do not care about the children who are dying every day in Afghanistan," said Hashimi. "If they care about our past, they won't destroy our future," he added.

This seems like a very understandable position to me. If I was running a country wracked by millennia of warfare and exploitation at the hands of outsiders, I would be incensed by an international peanut gallery getting it’s knickers in a knot over ancient relics of a long-forgotten civilization. Additionally, every country in the world is guilty of destroying parts of it’s physical history and it’s the height of hypocrisy for western nations to complain about this after spending a century building shopping malls and motorways over their lands.

History is important, but it is not more important than the present. The offensive implication of western concern was that they value the “friendliness” of Buddhist culture more than that of Islam. The Taliban should be proud of standing up to such orientalism and asserting their right to self-determination in the face of an opposition that cares more about stone and straw than flesh and blood.

In light of this, it’s hard to see their actions as anything other than a noble and powerful statement of anti-imperialism.


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[account deactivated]

mustang19 posted:

whats the official rhizzone line on foreign aid, is it imperialist or not?

this reminds me of the brief period in D&D when everyone was posting threads asking what the Official Libertarian Position was on everything.


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mustang19 posted:

whats the official rhizzone line on foreign aid, is it imperialist or not?

lmao what the fuck is this shit

you can oppose western imperialism because it is western imperialism not just because you think if the Brave Prince Harry Peacekeepers withdraw there will be immediate Grorious Communist Revorution