Yes, Mark Ames is a rapist, but I really like the idea of a subscriber-supported print journal that has worthwhile content and I've not heard anything bad about Yasha Levine except that he has a girl's name.

Also it being in physical format means I'll actually read the articles, and I can slam it on the table with my copy of Capital Vol.1 yelling at a ignorant bourgie 'This Is What I Know About The World' in my fantasies.
ok yasha
not safe for new world order
google showed me socialistaction and socialistappeal as magazine subscriptions, not as cheap as nsfwcorp but then again that video looked cheap as hell and sure as fuck didn't convince me to put down the dollars, however going postal was a p good read

i'm not sure what to do so to counter my inaction i'm gonna smoke a bowl and drink some gold tops

Scrree posted:

Yes, Mark Ames is a rapist, but I really like the idea of a subscriber-supported print journal that has worthwhile content and I've not heard anything bad about Yasha Levine except that he has a girl's name.

Also it being in physical format means I'll actually read the articles, and I can slam it on the table with my copy of Capital Vol.1 yelling at a ignorant bourgie 'This Is What I Know About The World' in my fantasies.

yeaaaah i thought so too but unsubbed last month after 4 months, it fucking sucked. the shame stuff is still good enough for me. no thanks for making me think about ames' rape status again. at least taibbi is ashamed.

It was good when I subscribed, but only maybe half the articles really interested me. Since Ames took over it basically became eXileD 2.0, so if you like that maybe you'll like this. War Nerd is probably the most engaging thing on there, but I haven't read the latest stuff. Who knows how this print thing will turn out, it's supposed to be a totally different format. Check out Jacobin if you're looking for lefty rags, they're the first magazine I've subscribed to since like EGM or something back in the mists of time.
[account deactivated]
Definitely excited about this new venture by polemical former TechCrunch writer Paul Carr.
Who did Mark rape?
[account deactivated]
innumerable prostitutes.
I subscribed to nsfwcorp and i kind of regret it since dolan has revealed himself to be a total tool and half the staff (the lady who writes transposed wikipedia articles, james kotecki) are unreadable but whatever, its something to read and it reminds me of 2006, so far away now, when I was 12 and the exile was fucking cool
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

how time flies

how man get anciant

[account deactivated]
and it is kind of funny that after all of ames posturing and hard boy tude he comes out as a great society liberal.
lol ames put himself behind a paywall and pulled a horowitz?
lol ames put himself behind a paywall and pulled a horowitz?
lol ames put himself behind a paywall and pulled a horowitz?
x3 posting enabled
[account deactivated]
i send em an email and theyre making fun of me on air right now. I take back anything bad I said
i haven't read the ames prostitution story, but i'm down with reading people who are "immoral".

stegosaurus posted:

I subscribed to nsfwcorp and i kind of regret it since dolan has revealed himself to be a total tool and half the staff (the lady who writes transposed wikipedia articles, james kotecki) are unreadable but whatever, its something to read and it reminds me of 2006, so far away now, when I was 12 and the exile was fucking cool

looking for something to read? http://www.newleftproject.org/index.php/site/article_comments/the_harlem_shake_and_the_western_illusion_of_freedom

you're welcome

freedom is obedience,

toy posted:

i haven't read the ames prostitution story, but i'm down with reading people who are "immoral".

The story is he bought sex from russian prostitutes and then recounted his dalliances in his newspaper. It was a regular feature. He called them "Whore-R Stories." well thats the story hope you liked it

everybody rapes,


AmericanNazbro posted:

stegosaurus posted:

I subscribed to nsfwcorp and i kind of regret it since dolan has revealed himself to be a total tool and half the staff (the lady who writes transposed wikipedia articles, james kotecki) are unreadable but whatever, its something to read and it reminds me of 2006, so far away now, when I was 12 and the exile was fucking cool

looking for something to read? http://www.newleftproject.org/index.php/site/article_comments/the_harlem_shake_and_the_western_illusion_of_freedom

you're welcome

yeah except this used to be called 'speaking in tongues' and was around a long time before capitalism


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

yeah except this used to be called 'speaking in tongues' and was around a long time before capitalism

i see the parallel (chaotic human behaviour) but i think there are too many differences (no religious interpretation, an explicit reference to orderly human behaviour in order to contrast the chaos, it being planned rather than spontaneous) for it to be the same category


AmericanNazbro posted:

stegosaurus posted:

I subscribed to nsfwcorp and i kind of regret it since dolan has revealed himself to be a total tool and half the staff (the lady who writes transposed wikipedia articles, james kotecki) are unreadable but whatever, its something to read and it reminds me of 2006, so far away now, when I was 12 and the exile was fucking cool

looking for something to read? http://www.newleftproject.org/index.php/site/article_comments/the_harlem_shake_and_the_western_illusion_of_freedom

you're welcome

thank u


AmericanNazbro posted:

looking for something to read? http://www.newleftproject.org/index.php/site/article_comments/the_harlem_shake_and_the_western_illusion_of_freedom

you're welcome

great stuff. brilliant satire. truly this is the MAD Magazine of the left.


SariBari posted:

no thanks for making me think about ames' rape status again. at least taibbi is ashamed.

i'm sorry good to hear that about taibbi at least, i liked griftopia

stegosaurus posted:

I subscribed to nsfwcorp and i kind of regret it since dolan has revealed himself to be a total tool and half the staff (the lady who writes transposed wikipedia articles, james kotecki) are unreadable but whatever, its something to read and it reminds me of 2006, so far away now, when I was 12 and the exile was fucking cool

yeah the more I look into the archives the more I am unsure; theres allotta fluff among the chaffy wheat, if you know what I mean... also whose doland???

where do you people go for Insightful News Coverage, other than of course mccaine.org

Here's a few of the things I have on my RSS feed:

http://www.thenorthstar.info/ posts on theory, struggles, events and other cool things. lacks the nuanced treatment of television shows from the marxist perspective that you find here at the rhizzone.

http://novaramedia.com/ (Podcast, Brits) Interesting but heavy conversations about theory, global politics, etc.

http://rdwolff.com/articles - Richard Wolff. Generally keeps things pretty simple. Really into some kind of co-op based market socialism. okay dude.

http://skepoet.wordpress.com/ - Loyal Opposition to Modernity. Philosophy, Marxism, whatver.

http://libcom.org/ Libertarian Communism. Lots of good all-around leftist stuff.

http://jacobinmag.com/ Jacobin. New-ish magazine/journal with a left/socialist angle. Very "hip." Really "in" with the "kids" right now.

As for print, I subscribe to Jacobin's print edition, but other than that, I don't know. There's N+1, and The Baffler, but I don't read them enough to recommend them. Tons of niche journals n shit like Monthly Review or Rethinking Marxism but those cost buxx and are generally not exactly lively reading.

edit: homegrown words from reknowned LF posters

deadken http://samkriss.wordpress.com/

discipline http://manyfesto.net/

Edited by Zen_Punk ()

Writing is actually pretty unpopular here
Butt magazine has been a staple of the rhizzone from the beginning
my favourite article on thenorthstar compared, in plain language, the refusal of america to bomb syria to the refusal of america to bomb the train tracks to auschwitz.

thirdplace posted:

Writing is actually pretty unpopular here

echoing the northstar and jacobin
i read too much of the guardian
i read 2-3 authors who appear on this gender/radfem drama hub called liberation collective
i always read charlie pierce on eqsuire, the ghost of my liberalism
the angry arab, a'sad abu khalil. ***READ EVERY DAY FOR MAXIMUM RAGE/CYNICISM***
i find weird stuff on bookforum to read

are there any good christian blogs. i'm a christian now.

Zen_Punk posted:

toy posted:
i haven't read the ames prostitution story, but i'm down with reading people who are "immoral".

The story is he bought sex from russian prostitutes and then recounted his dalliances in his newspaper. It was a regular feature. He called them "Whore-R Stories." well thats the story hope you liked it

entire Exiled staff attempts to look cool in front of Limonov


Zen_Punk posted:

http://jacobinmag.com/ Jacobin. New-ish magazine/journal with a left/socialist angle. Very "hip." Really "in" with the "kids" right now.

Discipline's arch nemesis is a contributing editor at Jacobin