
March 25, 2013 - 3:00am
A student at Florida Atlantic University says that he was suspended from a course for refusing to engage in an activity he said was insulting to his faith. While the university has announced that the activity won't be repeated, it is contesting many details of the student's story.
The student says that as part of a class in intercultural communications, students were told to write the word Jesus on a piece of paper, fold it, and then to stamp on it, CBS4 News reported. The student, who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said that when he refused, saying the exercise was insulting to his faith, he was suspended. The story was quickly picked up by conservative news and websites, with headlines such as "Professor Makes Students 'Stomp on Jesus.'"
The university released a statement in which it said that it could not comment on experiences of any one student, citing privacy laws. The university said that "no students were forced to take part in the exercise; the instructor told all of the students in the class that they could choose whether or not to participate." Further the university said that "no student has been expelled, suspended or disciplined by the university as a result of any activity that took place during this class."
Nonetheless, the university statement added: "This exercise will not be used again. The university holds dear its core values. We sincerely apologize for any offense this caused. Florida Atlantic University respects all religions and welcomes people of all faiths, backgrounds and beliefs."

Since many of my fellow posters are recent converts to Christianity, I was wondering how you felt about the sacrilege occurring in Florida. Others have compared it to stomping on Allah, or Martin Luther King Jr. Is anyone safe from effigy?

Edited by dipshit420 ()

we are fallen creatures that constantly choose sin over obedience to god. in this sense, we not only stomped on jesus, but we also crucified him.
We touched ourselves at night. For this we must pay
[account deactivated]
big shock from a school in boca raton. 2000 years later and the jews still hate jesus

getfiscal posted:

we are fallen creatures that constantly choose sin over obedience to god. in this sense, we not only stomped on jesus, but we also crucified him.

Christians believe in primordial debt, they were market fundamentalists before it was cool

this is what secular liberal academics actually believe to be a thought provoking exercise. cool
ivory tower egghead professor: "now write the name of the lord your god made human flesh on a piece of paper. now stomp on it ahahahah. yes, yes.... all that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind."

ilmdge posted:

ivory tower egghead professor: "now write the name of the lord your god made human flesh on a piece of paper. now stomp on it ahahahah. yes, yes.... all that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind."

dear i love my dead gay earth,
do you have recommendations for theological readin'?
i'm going to read your thread too but like... you know. gotta have those recs.
i'm reading a book by barth right now.

"in the bath" surely

getfiscal posted:

ilmdge posted:

ivory tower egghead professor: "now write the name of the lord your god made human flesh on a piece of paper. now stomp on it ahahahah. yes, yes.... all that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind."

dear i love my dead gay earth,
do you have recommendations for theological readin'?
i'm going to read your thread too but like... you know. gotta have those recs.
i'm reading a book by barth right now.

i might not be the best person to ask really because i literally dont read non-fiction but

the essential "theology of liberation," where i cribbed most my whole post frmo, by gutierrez
leonardo boff is probably the second biggest figure in liberation theology, he also wrote a book called "introducing liberation theology" (havent read)
boff on pope francis: http://iglesiadescalza.blogspot.com/2013/03/pope-francis-called-to-restore-church.html

Catholic worker stuff:
some stuff scribblerd by peter maurin, who founded the catholic worker movement with dorothy day http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Catholic_Radicalism-_Phrased_Essays_For_The_Green_Revolution.pdf
dorothy day book on her catholic worker experience called Loaves and Fishes (havent read)
michael baxter, good modern guy http://cjd.org/1999/04/01/blowing-the-dynamite-of-the-church-catholic-radicalism-from-a-catholic-radicalist-perspective/

tolstoy free book of parables http://cdn.plough.com/~/media/Files/Plough/ebooks/pdfs/w/walkinthelightEN.pdf

aesthetics and metaphysics (havent read)

Goizueta's Caminemos Con Jesus (for more contemporary stuff)... hispanic catholicism in america, liberation theology roots

hmm... ask Joel also... he likes CS Lewis I think (Mere Christianity, Problem of Pain)... others.

"If you see love, you see the Trinity." St. Augustine
"The fullness of liberation -- a free gift from Christ -- is communion with God and with other men." Gustavo Gutierrez
"Each person, looking at his brother or neighbor the same as his God, should consider himself as small before his brother, as before his Maker." St. Symeon the New Theologian

Overcoming Witchcraft Attacks Against Your Mind and Body

To everything there is a season—and this is the season where witchcraft gets heavy, demonic imaginations target minds and infirmities inflict bodies.

Of course, Jezebel and her witchcrafts can creep onto the scene any time of the year. But the month or so between Lent and Easter often brings with it an onslaught of spiritual attacks from every direction, and it grows more intense until it finally breaks after Resurrection Day. It’s like clockwork.

What’s going on? Mary worship seems to empower the Queen of Heaven, also known as Jezebel. When Mary is lifted up to a place where only Jesus belongs, it unleashes demonic activity in that territory. As demonic activity increases, people report feelings of oppression, fatigue, strong warfare against the mind that makes you feel like quitting, and even physical manifestations for which doctors can’t find a reason.

I’ve been getting hit with all of these things since Lent began, and am sounding the alarm so that you can rise up and battle against what is battling against you, in the name of Jesus. Please, pay close attention and remember that we aren’t warring against flesh and blood, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. This is a spiritual battle against a spiritual foe that must bow to our spiritual weapons.

1. Gird the loins of your mind. The first step in any battle is to gird up the loins of your mind. 1 Peter 1:13 says, “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

The battle really is in the mind—or at least it starts there. Last week, a friend of mine who had a stroke many years ago began manifesting with post-stroke symptoms out of the blue. The enemy was working on his mind, trying to convince him that what he had been delivered from was returning. Meanwhile, a lump manifested on the back of my neck that itched and burned like fire, followed a few days later by ear pain so bad that I could hardly think, the feeling of knives in my throat when I swallowed, and rocks in my stomach all at once. I finally broke down and went to the doctor. My vitals were normal. No sign of infection. I am convinced every bit of it was witchcraft.

2. Guard your heart. The Amplified version of 1 Peter 1:13 says, “brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert).” Jezebel and her witchcrafts work to draw you into sin. When you are under heavy attack, your soul gets weary. Jesus can offer rest to your soul, but Jezebel wants to provide you a different way of escape through sin. Jezebel works to seduce you into idolatry or immorality (see Rev. 2:20). When you feel like you are getting hit from every side, guard your heart.

The Preacher said, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, and let your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil” (Prov. 4:23-27, NKJV). Don’t run into temptation when you are under attack, run for cover—run to Jesus.

3. Cast down imaginations. Imaginations don’t always work to push sickness on you or tempt you to sin. Sometimes the devil just wants to overwhelm you with witchcraft imaginations so you’ll give up and go hide in a cave with a bag of potato chips, a bowl of ice cream, a big pillow and the TV remote control. If the Holy Spirit dwells in you, then so does the fruit of self-control. You can choose by your will to “cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5, KJV).

But it’s up to you. Nobody can cast down those scary, hurtful or otherwise wrong thoughts for you—and nobody can replace them with “whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report” (Phil. 4:8).

4. Cast your cares on the Lord. I’m not saying you don’t have legitimate problems or concerns. I know all about legitimate problems and concerns. But mature spiritual warriors understand the balance between taking responsibility and casting your cares on the Lord (see 1 Pet. 5:7; Ps. 55:22).

Witchcraft imaginations totally skew your perspective—making monumental issues out of something God could fix with a wink. Cast your care on the Lord. Keep your eyes on Him. Pray for what you think you need—then believe He’s got your back. When you do, He promises to care for you and give you perfect peace (see Is. 26:3).

5. Speak the Word, use the Name and invoke the Blood. You have three powerful weapons at your disposal—spiritual weapons that are mighty through God to pull down strongholds. It’s hard to effectively wield those weapons when you are wallowing in condemnation, self-pity, fear or some other harmful emotion.

Snap out of it! Get the Word of God in your mouth because it’s your spiritual sword (Heb. 4:12). Speak the Word to your problems because the Word of God always accomplishes its purpose (Is. 55:11). Bind the enemy’s operations in the name of Jesus, and loose the opposite of what’s manifesting in your life with the power of life that’s in your tongue. And plead the blood of Jesus over your mind (Rev. 12:11). You’ve been bought with a price—spirit, soul and body. Your soul includes your mind.

I could write a book on spiritual warfare strategies against witchcraft—and maybe I will. But there is tremendous power in these fundamentals if you will apply them. The challenge is often discerning that we’re under attack. That’s where relationships with other mature Christians are helpful. They can often see what we can’t—and they can help us battle what’s coming against us. So when you are under spiritual assault, don’t isolate yourself and let Jezebel beat up on you with her witchcrafts. Run for cover. Run to your own company. Run to Jesus. Amen.

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including Did the Spirit of God Say That?
this thread triggered me and now i'm sweatin' blood
"liberation theology. it owns" -- corey i think, someone w/ his avatar at least
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I was accepted to my first conference


'Ms Discipline, please bring in some tea for Mr Yamagori'

that student sounds like a nigger

discipline posted:

I was accepted to my first conference

Con Jesus must be some rockin chili

Impper posted:

that student sounds like a nigger

Its ninja now.

my Ninja?

Impper posted:

that student sounds like a nigger

there are nigger mormons? call mitt romnus

Read Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton fringus

Agnus_Dei posted:

Read Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton fringus

started it yesterday ^_^


Impper posted:

my Ninja?

Liberation Theology is protestantized garbage. Of course, I wouldn't expect communists, feminists and other liberals to understand anything beyond their Jewish theology of choice, Marxism. Fuck off with your understanding of Christianity derived from greasy dagos and spics justifying their own inferiority and looting. Christianity is is a conservative, illiberal force of nation and European culture keeping the natural balance between the races, between those who are capable and those who are not, between men and women.
It's pathetic how the goons here will degenerate anything to drag or gimmicks to wind up their inner ultra-liberals and feed their self-loathing, be it Christianity, libertarianism, social democracy, Islamofascism, anti-scientism, etc., but never dare to perform scientific "racism"/"sexism" and a biological stance on our species's potential and the dysgenic factor of leftism. Must be because deep down they know it's the truth.

That's the whole reason I'm here, as I used to be a Marxist weakling on SA reading radical feminism, Samir Amin, J. Sakai, Kliman, data on actually existing socialism, participatory planning, etc. impressed by Marxian Jew McCaine and others, while trying not to think of the ultimate truth of Human Biodiversity, haplogroups, evolutionary psychology, hereditarianism etc for fear of being confronted with the uncomfortable truth that large sections of society who I encounter every day are inherently inferior and will have to be weeded out, and that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose. Hilariously, many academic feminists agree with this, see Irigaray etc., though of course they obscure and romanticize it.

In other words, by confronting my inner liberal. Even if the humanity of the future is a muddled mass of undefined brown, there will always be white and East Asian and maybe Ashkenazi elites at the top, overwhelmingly composed by men. Leftist dysgenics stand no chance at the end, but we have to stop it just so the world isn't utterly ugly and dominated by scourge.

It was the Breivik incident that kicked it all of, btw.

Edited by HateCuresLiberals ()

I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos.
late nights with Hitler

HateCuresLiberals posted:

It's pathetic how the goons here will degenerate anything to drag or gimmicks to wind up their inner ultra-liberals and feed their self-loathing, be it Christianity, libertarianism, social democracy, Islamofascism, anti-scientism, etc., but never dare to perform scientific "racism"/"sexism" and a biological stance on our species's potential and the dysgenic factor of leftism. Must be because deep down they know it's the truth.

That's the whole reason I'm here, as I used to be a Marxist weakling on SA reading radical feminism, Samir Amin, J. Sakai, Kliman, data on actually existing socialism, participatory planning, etc. impressed by Marxian Jew McCaine and others, while trying not to think of the ultimate truth of Human Biodiversity, haplogroups, evolutionary psychology, hereditarianism etc for fear of being confronted with the uncomfortable truth that large sections of society who I encounter every day are inherently inferior and will have to be weeded out, and that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose. Hilariously, many academic feminists agree with this, see Irigaray etc., though of course they obscure and romanticize it.

In other words, by confronting my inner liberal. Even if the humanity of the future is a muddled mass of undefined brown, there will always be white and East Asian and maybe Ashkenazi elites at the top, overwhelmingly composed by men. Leftist dysgenics stand no chance at the end, but we have to stop it just so the world isn't utterly ugly and dominated by scourge.

It was the Breivik incident that kicked it all of, btw.

listen, fruitcake, we don't take kindly to bland misogyny here and... wait... *jon stewart checking his earpiece* i'm being told we do indeed accept bland misogyny here. well then. maybe toss a few kicks towards discipline's hopes and dreams.


HateCuresLiberals posted:

It's pathetic how the goons here will degenerate anything to drag or gimmicks to wind up their inner ultra-liberals and feed their self-loathing, be it Christianity, libertarianism, social democracy, Islamofascism, anti-scientism, etc., but never dare to perform scientific "racism"/"sexism" and a biological stance on our species's potential and the dysgenic factor of leftism. Must be because deep down they know it's the truth.

That's the whole reason I'm here, as I used to be a Marxist weakling on SA reading radical feminism, Samir Amin, J. Sakai, Kliman, data on actually existing socialism, participatory planning, etc. impressed by Marxian Jew McCaine and others, while trying not to think of the ultimate truth of Human Biodiversity, haplogroups, evolutionary psychology, hereditarianism etc for fear of being confronted with the uncomfortable truth that large sections of society who I encounter every day are inherently inferior and will have to be weeded out, and that women's parasitic and nagging and needy and non-complex and generally womanly behavior is in fact inherent to them and not socially constructed. Woman is a hole in all senses, to be filled with purpose. Hilariously, many academic feminists agree with this, see Irigaray etc., though of course they obscure and romanticize it.

In other words, by confronting my inner liberal. Even if the humanity of the future is a muddled mass of undefined brown, there will always be white and East Asian and maybe Ashkenazi elites at the top, overwhelmingly composed by men. Leftist dysgenics stand no chance at the end, but we have to stop it just so the world isn't utterly ugly and dominated by scourge.

It was the Breivik incident that kicked it all of, btw.

lol @ the one person who upvoted

[account deactivated]

HateCuresLiberals posted:

Time for you to get a job.
Hi, I've read Wilforington Puig, Afoo Rafooib, Johnny Kookoo, and Ken Pug. Today is the day I finally get a job.

And this is Jackass.