
discipline posted:

fuck off. electing and paying several thousand dollars to go under general anesthesia and get bags of filler shoved in your chest is never an emotionally healthy decision

same but paying several thousand dollars to get cancer if you're a smoker

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I've asked women about their cosmetic surgery before and it always ends in great heaving sobs after at least a half hour about how much more confident it makes them feel

much like talking to women about any topic

[account deactivated]
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Striving for the standards of contemporary sexuality are addictive too.

I don’t see why I should get all judgey about a woman’s breast implants anymore than a smoker’s filthy habit.
[account deactivated]
No i'm agreeing with you!

When i meet someone who is a heavy smoker i usually prod and poke them about the source of this expensive, body-destroying decision until they cry
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

goatstein will you be proud when your little girl finds your stash of nameless women being pounded by strangers and it warps her self image and sense of worth for the rest of her life? will you take the time to explain to her that these are consenting adults engaging in an empowering market transaction?

im not sure how learning about the existence of pornography warps one for the rest of ones' life considering that the vast majority of people in the world have consumed it, excepting the most dirt poor nations and islamic countries where you will be extremely likely to remain a virgin until 21 when you marry your first cousin and you take your eight mutant kids to a fag decapitation

Goethestein was probated until (Nov. 12, 2012 08:30:25) for this post!


discipline posted:

fuck off. electing and paying several thousand dollars to go under general anesthesia and get bags of filler shoved in your chest is never an emotionally healthy decision

yes and i stand by the assertion that neither is being highly attracted to balding misogynists in authoritarian professions


discipline posted:

no that's the opposite direction of "putting it back"

What can I say, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Also the ecological consequences of smoking are obviously far worse than breast enlargement. Maybe we should be more concerned with looking at these things in a wider context rather than indulging in the cheap-n-nasty liberal style shaming people for their personal decisions
are you even capable of being made ashamed of what a monster you are?
[account deactivated]
I just exposed my daughter to pornography and boy are my arms tired!
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Thankfully there's no evidence that increased availability and consumption of pornography increases violence against women, and may even lower it

Ironicwarcriminal was probated until (Nov. 12, 2012 08:42:00) for this post!

[account deactivated]

angelbutt_dollface posted:

yes and i stand by the assertion that neither is being highly attracted to balding misogynists in authoritarian professions

what about balding misogynists without a profession.... *leans in to hear answer*

t money dont probate peopele when i didnt make you thread monitor! we're neighbors now and i WANT to put a pool in that basement but you cant be probatin people
probating people is way better than ifapping random no-av posters who will probably never post again. save the ifaps for regulars like me who you know will do the thing
discipline's friends call her the rainmaker because she can make anyone cry just by asking a series of otherwise innocuous questions

discipline posted:

goatstein will you be proud when your little girl finds your stash of nameless women being pounded by strangers and it warps her self image and sense of worth for the rest of her life? will you take the time to explain to her that these are consenting adults engaging in an empowering market transaction?

[account deactivated]
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has anybody mentioned yet how 1st world wymyn both appropriate culture and internalize gynophobia via piercing
oh btw did ppl ever bother to stop yankin gvbs peen long enough to realize that hes a horrible reactionary about basically everything
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[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I've asked women about their cosmetic surgery before and it always ends in great heaving sobs after at least a half hour about how much more confident it makes them feel

but did you utilize Negging or neurolinguistic programming to attain this result? E.g., "if only your labia looked as lovely as your bosom..."

OR, in the latter category: "Wow! Your breast implant surgery was a great suck-cess(...-)Pool and accumulate what you've now gained to achieve greater ha-penis. The sky is beautiful, and so is the ground b'low me."

[account deactivated]
i got breasts before i turned 30 too.

SHANK3Neuropathy posted:

oh btw did ppl ever bother to stop yankin gvbs peen long enough to realize that hes a horrible reactionary about basically everything

what do these words mean?

[account deactivated]
i've seen that because i'm a connoisseur of mainstream comedy
[account deactivated]
Wrong again, Fucko
This is what oatstein believes


eccentricdeathmongrel posted:

discipline posted:
I've asked women about their cosmetic surgery before and it always ends in great heaving sobs after at least a half hour about how much more confident it makes them feel

but did you utilize Negging or neurolinguistic programming to attain this result? E.g., "if only your labia looked as lovely as your bosom..."

OR, in the latter category: "Wow! Your breast implant surgery was a great suck-cess(...-)Pool and accumulate what you've now gained to achieve greater ha-penis. The sky is beautiful, and so is the ground b'low me."

Flappo'd again