
Wickerman posted:

just go for runs you fat slob. jesus christ you don't need to buy expensive peripheries to exercise.

just go to a psychologist you dumb weirdo. jesus christ you don't need to be an angry obsessive freak to post


Wickerman posted:

just go for runs you fat slob. jesus christ you don't need to buy expensive peripheries to exercise.

i don't like your attitude.


Crow posted:

Wickerman posted:

just go for runs you fat slob. jesus christ you don't need to buy expensive peripheries to exercise.

just go to a psychologist you dumb weirdo. jesus christ you don't need to be an angry obsessive freak to post

something something but it helps blah blah that's a mirror etc etc welcome to ignore yadda yadda

good post. you have been promoted to the special forum for special posters who are too good for the main forum. congratulations! - EO

Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()


getfiscal posted:

Wickerman posted:

just go for runs you fat slob. jesus christ you don't need to buy expensive peripheries to exercise.

i don't like your attitude.

i'm sorry.

that should be "peripherals"

like all of life's problems, the solution is to get a dog so you'll have another reason to go run outside once or twice a day
p.s. thanks wickerman for putting that hysterical. uppity woman in her place so i didnt have to.
[account deactivated]
ghetto nablus
t money that dude i ifapped for being a whitenoise homophobe is saying some really mean things about you.
that guy is cycloneboy, as if you guys couldnt tell from his mysogyny (look at his name, for chrissakes) and angry, harassing style in posts & pms. i sent ya the evidence
but why doesnt He Capitalize Correctly?>??
wickerman's first post here was upvoted by cycloneboy literally less than a minute after submission. it's a cry for help.
free cyclonelad

Goethestein posted:

free cyclonelad

ya. Posting Pal Solidarity

wow cycloneboy is like a chimp in a cage in that ifap thread
[account deactivated]
Also discipline I was just being a bit provocative a couple of pages ago.

I’m not trying to defend “my pornz”….it’s vulgar trash writ large and I feel better now that I don’t watch it. It’s just the relationship between it’s availability and violence against women isn’t particularly established.
reminder: porn availability skyrocketed 100 fold in the same time period that rape and domestic violence went down 35%
excuse me correlation equaling causation is NOT ok
i'm not implying that the decrease was a result of the increase in pornography, i'm simply pointing out that if there was any demonstrable correlation between the two, the late 90s and 2000s would have been a rape frenzy that collapsed society into anarchy
it did via perv-in-chief bill clinton and the warmonger monkey george w bush (rape is an act of violence and the ultimate violence is war and the extreme rape culture within the military confirms this)

Wickerman posted:

just go for runs you fat slob. jesus christ you don't need to buy expensive peripheries to exercise.

I made a huge mistake when I started exercising, I bought a whole outer Mongolia when I only needed a tannu tava

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
whoah there are people who still play peggle??
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Isn't funny how Hollywood always depicts Germans as the warmongering terrorists and Italians as a nice, funny, colorful people. The fact that Italy invented fascism, inspired Hitler to do so in Germany, and was Germany's main ally in creating chaos in Europe and deporting Jews is basically removed from history. I guess it's because of the influence of Italian-Americans in the US and the stupid american habit of giving a glamorous depiction of bad italian habits such as the mafia.

better that than giving a glamorous depiction of bad german habits like bizarre sexual fetishes and punctuality

i dont have a facebook

who has the privilege now??

SHANK3Neuropathy posted:

tpaine posted:

Isn't funny how Hollywood always depicts Germans as the warmongering terrorists and Italians as a nice, funny, colorful people. The fact that Italy invented fascism, inspired Hitler to do so in Germany, and was Germany's main ally in creating chaos in Europe and deporting Jews is basically removed from history. I guess it's because of the influence of Italian-Americans in the US and the stupid american habit of giving a glamorous depiction of bad italian habits such as the mafia.

better that than giving a glamorous depiction of bad german habits like bizarre sexual fetishes and punctuality

more like check your peggle....you've got a game going there eman!!!!

gyrofry posted:


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

rhizzone's biggest hipster uses a mac.....quelle surprise

which one of yall is spamming wickerman?? he said something about how one of yall is spamming him. please stop, he isnt responding to any of my pms except one he sent that said "please stop contacting me" which i assume must have been a misreply he meant to send to whoever is spamming him. TIA.
seriously ive sent wickerman like 25 pms and he hasnt even responded. whoever is spamming him needs to stop so his inbox wont be too clogged for him to receive and read my important PMs
man... that cyclone boy sure is off his rocker
can someone pm wickerman and ask why hes ignoring me? you may have to pm him several times before he responds
that boy aint right