whoa, it looks like we've got some kind of 'Lf Spring' going on here. Real, organic democratic change. I accept BFs nomination and vote 4 future widow bc she should be mod anyways. I want to change Cycloneman's thing to be something he'll actually do so we can Get Him Back. He was pretty good.
I vote for goatstein
i too vote for goatstein and his amnesty platform

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
whoa, it looks like we've got some kind of 'Lf Spring' going on here. Real, organic democratic change. I accept BFs nomination and vote 4 future widow bc she should be mod anyways. I want to change Cycloneman's thing to be something he'll actually do so we can Get Him Back. He was pretty good.

Beautiful. Be the change you want to see in the world. This is what democracy looks like. Free Gucci.

free Buju Banton.
i vote for goatstein to get off to a publicly bad start with the impending futurewidow regime
with your new modship please make Posting While Male (PWM) outlawed


Impper posted:
i just cannot do it, ms. cutey beautie! i love you, yes, and i want to listen to you. but, i cannot! i will fote for ms. cutey beautieful?!

i always mentally refer to your avatar as lil' mses. von mises

oh, i forgot to vote. i vote FW
I vote sosie

crustpunk_trotsky posted:
I vote sosie

oh shit, changing my vote


Groulxsmith posted:
i miss the upvoting system on wddp more than anything

once you said something they found mean a whole cabal of them would go through your posting history and downvote every post you made

Ya that happened to me lol


discipline posted:

this dude is legit insane and accused me of being various posters who disagreed with him on other sites

that "dude" huh? mods?

discipline posted:
ok, nominations so far are:

shennong *
jools *
future widow *
EmanuelaOrlandi *

You get a fancy star next to your name when you accept the nomination. NOMINATIONS MUST BE ACCEPTED TO PROCEED! Please let me know if I missed a nomination.

It looks like you missed me here. In case this was the problem : I accept my nomination

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I was tempbanned during the major purge and now that I can read it again it's just sad and boring, I can even muster up the energy to troll them
[account deactivated]
If I am elected I will unban maggotmaster and allow him to post as much as he wants on any topic as long as all posts are in the form of personal voice recordings
i will change my vote to goatstein if he posts the steampunk wedding pics

gyrofry posted:
i will change my vote to goatstein if he posts the steampunk wedding pics

ppl vote for me as head psychologicoanalyst at IFAP because I really want 2 write the next requirement for freedom after Goatsteins inevitable IFAP at the hands of future widow
[account deactivated]
i think dru should be added to ifap but ken should stay too
as mod i mean
lol some beta like goatstein couldnt pull that off if he even had the balls to try

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
can i vote 4 myself? if so i do that and if not i will vote for whoever upvotes me the most and then provides links of said upvotes.

what kind of shitty election wouldnt let you vote for yourself *grins*


gyrofry posted:
i think dru should be added to ifap but ken should stay too

this would be cool as long as we get to alternate good cop/bad cop

you are mel gibson (same accent and everything so it works) and i'm danny glover (same accent and everything so it works)

crustpunk_trotsky posted:
I was tempbanned during the major purge and now that I can read it again it's just sad and boring, I can even muster up the energy to troll them

give me ur account

i need a nomination, still.
Rick santorum
vote for tpaine because i trust that his personal crises wont stand in the way of being a fantastic general manager of raw is war
[throws voice offstage] ..nominate skylark
several of the nominees are great but i vote future widow this time
[account deactivated]
vote for skylark if paine rejects om nom
168 people voted for our Socialist President.
breederofhate666 8 months ago
[account deactivated]