postie is slang for poster
local scene matters a lot for whether party branches/union locals are worth a damn. i have no difficulty believing that theres reds in iatse but at the same time most the ones i personally know are super-bros
brotherhood is cool

shriekingviolet posted:

most posties are bratty labour aristocracy with garbage first worldist, self righteous white supremacy politics and when i see the postie crew at local parties i gag and prepare myself for painful, vigorous eyerolling

remind me never to cross you damn... well... until i've quietly gained support from the middle membership obviously.


shriekingviolet posted:

bratty labour aristocracy with garbage first worldist, self righteous white supremacy politics

this reminds me of the ndp opinion on shipping arms to saudi arabia. fucking ndp

real life activity report: Palestinian Solidarity demonstration today was great. The local PSN chapters have really come together and become excellent organizers. The speakers they got were really good, it would have been too many speaking for too long if they hadn't all been fantastic. Cried a little. The march was really well managed, and they managed to wrangle the march into having access to the busiest parts of downtown, most get diverted away into the middle of nowhere. Super proud.
oh yeah and Peggy Morton, one of the MLPC candidates for edmonton, was one of the speakers, she's pretty cool. Was good to see them coordinating and to see a positive MLPC presence at events in the community

shriekingviolet posted:

real life activity report: Palestinian Solidarity demonstration today was great. The local PSN chapters have really come together and become excellent organizers. The speakers they got were really good, it would have been too many speaking for too long if they hadn't all been fantastic. Cried a little. The march was really well managed, and they managed to wrangle the march into having access to the busiest parts of downtown, most get diverted away into the middle of nowhere. Super proud.

cool. at our school i think they are focusing on a broad anti-war divestment campaign. like not just critical of israel but the arms trade in general. i haven't thought about it enough to know if that's a good idea or not. not related but a long time ago i went to model parliament in ottawa and they made us sit through a full recruitment session by the canada forces and then gave us those shitty mini cd-roms about like different job classifications lol.

[account deactivated]

NoFreeWill posted:

my metal band logo for my old band was made from my nosebleeds lol
if that isn't metal as fuck idk what is
im pretty sure i took that picture while it was still drying

stop picking your nose


getfiscal posted:

cool. at our school i think they are focusing on a broad anti-war divestment campaign. like not just critical of israel but the arms trade in general. i haven't thought about it enough to know if that's a good idea or not. not related but a long time ago i went to model parliament in ottawa and they made us sit through a full recruitment session by the canada forces and then gave us those shitty mini cd-roms about like different job classifications lol.

we're actually kind of lucky that there's a strong pro-Palestine narrative in edmonton, so even political organizations less radical than the MLPC can openly be critical of israel without needing to resort to timid generalization tactics.

I think that islamophobia is sometimes a harder sell out here than in the 'liberal' east due to a strong muslim presence integrated into communities going way back in a lot of small towns in northern alberta like Lac La Biche, whereas apparently southern ontario and quebec are more prone to racially defined and isolated neighborhoods? plus the university committed to supporting the students in a big kafluffle about israeli apartheid week a while back as a free speech thing and has been surprisingly consistent about allowing it to proceed without interference, which also helps to maintain space in the public discourse. I also think that there is a lot of "right apathy" in alberta, rightist politics are so ubiquitous that they don't bother to attack things that contest them, whereas in the east leftist orgs face far more direct opposition of young conservative 'activists' trained at think tank daycamps etc.

15 years ago i went to a model UN... as Iraq

[account deactivated]

when i see the postie crew at local parties i gag and prepare myself for painful, vigorous eyerolling

That's how people react to students with a political opinion fyi


getfiscal posted:

one thing that was weird when i was in high school and early university is that everyone had really clear pictures of where they thought other students stood and what they would do in careers. and within my cohort basically any field had tiers and schools had specific ranks. i remember when people said they were going to my current school i would be like alright so you want to live at home and you have okay marks but not great, you are fine with being a middle-manager one day and you're going to take a retail or restaurant job while you study. it was like extreme and simplistic determinism. some people would be like i'm going to be a doctor and you'd think about it for a second and be like yeah they are going to be a top doctor. and basically any health event or life problem was like getting hit by a landmine and you'd be like damn i guess that person won't be a doctor after all. and judgments were saved more for people who didn't understand their place than for people who were doing their path. like if someone said yeah i'm going to a shitty school for whatever and it fit them you'd be like yup that's cool. but if someone who had the 'potential' to be a doctor was like yeah i'm going to become a nurse's assistant you would ask them a bunch of questions to make sure they weren't confused and if they were just dead set on it they were probably crazy.

which is probably what class is about i guess. my parents were purestrain working class when i was young but my dad moved into sales (which is sort of petty-bourgeois) and they bought a house in the suburb. and i got funneled into a special program which sort of tracked me into being petty-bourgeois. i think a lot of anxiety and depression is made worse by ambiguous class positions. like when you feel like you're being cornered into a role you don't like then your brain can break. and normally that happens to petty-bourgeois people when they lose class status. and i think for me maybe two effects were there: real mental illness like psychosis and such combined with terror of being in a pointless life, which became ten times worse when i started losing all the markers that had made everything so certain to me. like when i stopped going to class for months it was obvious i wouldn't be able to get a top job.

i think one thing that has been helpful is slowly working through a lot of those bizarre assumptions, but then also accepting that a lot of things right now are just terrible and you have to accept that or just be really sad all the time. and also that you're allowed to enjoy things that you know are bullshit at some level. like if you only position yourself as critique of everything and don't like go to a baseball game or do a random job to earn money or something you're going to want to die. and also just being honest about class stuff, like if i'm petty-bourgeois then just living that in a half-respectful way and contributing where i can is better for my health than trying to become like communist ISIS or something.

how many times do I have to repost this?

Per my earlier promise, I'm getting buff.
[account deactivated]

Keven posted:

Per my earlier promise, I'm getting buff.


id like to chat with h sax again.
'just' communist hamas. 2007 was a weird year let me tell u

swirlsofhistory posted:

how many times do I have to repost this?

you never had to post it in the first place. please don't be rude on this forum, thanks.

That's what happens when you a push a liberal's buttons a few too many times
dont be rude, im sure donald has gotten tail, ladies like a sense of humor

aerdil posted:

dont be rude, im sure donald has gotten tail, ladies like a sense of humor

If you had watched it, you'd know the video isn't really about virginity. It's about what it means to live in a post-Thatcher society engineered for 'exceptional' people, where keeping your head down and living a stable life like your parents will earn you less respect and security than being an outright criminal. Doing what is expected, or following the rules is suffocation. By the standards of this society you are as a loser if you aren't succeeding in a perverse striving for novel experiences in drugs, sex, vacations, entertainment etc.


shriekingviolet posted:

most posties are bratty labour aristocracy with garbage first worldist, self righteous white supremacy politics and when i see the postie crew at local parties i gag and prepare myself for painful, vigorous eyerolling

every working class occupation has a large proportion of racists or borderline racists in it. the post office has been better with it than a lot of others i've seen

the only way to avoid politics you don't like is to surround yourself with a tiny group of yes men who never actually do anyhthing hth


shriekingviolet posted:

most posties are bratty labour aristocracy with garbage first worldist, self righteous white supremacy politics and when i see the postie crew at local parties i gag and prepare myself for painful, vigorous eyerolling

every working class occupation has a large proportion of racists or borderline racists in it. the post office has been better with it than a lot of others i've seen

the only way to avoid politics you don't like is to surround yourself with a tiny group of yes men who never actually do anyhthing hth


RBC posted:

the only way to avoid politics you don't like is to surround yourself with a tiny group of yes men who never actually do anyhthing hth

i love it here too

I'm glad shriekingviolet is making good posts and a bunch of shitty posters are swarming around them
heres some fun redbaiting in the WSJ for all yall http://www.wsj.com/articles/death-to-capitalism-visitors-to-marxs-grave-balk-at-fee-1445818914
glad someone is finally sticking it to those damn postal service workers. i mean holy fuck those guys are just the hugest assholes fuck those shitheads. i'm gonna punch the mailman next time he comes around just to show him what the Third World goes thru everyday.

HenryKrinkle posted:

glad someone is finally sticking it to those damn postal service workers. i mean holy fuck those guys are just the hugest assholes fuck those shitheads. i'm gonna punch the mailman next time he comes around just to show him what the Third World goes thru everyday.

fly away troll


discipline posted:

lol you should see him now

i look him up sometimes... just because

they suspended the cuts to home delivery today i guess. thank you dennis coderre.

Keven posted:

Per my earlier promise, I'm getting buff.

report back once you're buff so i know whether to try this or not thx

I've starting doing it. It was that one thread "getting swole is revolutionary" that motivated me to keep at it, instead of my regular "do it for a couple months, then taper off". I recommend it, good sources of endorphins and positive self-esteem. I'm probably only half way to goal, but still, feels good man. Course I just lit one up so maybe it's all good.
Also Canadian posties have like a crazy radical union, so they're alright with me.

Red_Canadian posted:

Also Canadian posties have like a crazy radical union, so they're alright with me.

they're really good at being white kids from rich families with humanities degrees from prestigious universities standing around patting each other on the back about how radical and proletarian they are, but as far as participating in real action and contributing to discourse in the city I've never been impressed. as an example they were closely involved in the local occupy and were one of the key influences that lead occupy to reject an offer for significant collaboration from a radical anti-colonial indigenous group because it would be "too alienating" and occupy needed to have a "broad appeal." pure garbage. being successful at defending your place in the bourgeois pecking order isn't the same thing as uplifting the whole people.

obviously i have a personal grudge here and i imagine things could vary regionally but mnnmnmeeeehhhhhhh i doubt it

if theres really an entire union made up of Me thats impressive...

shriekingviolet posted:

Red_Canadian posted:
Also Canadian posties have like a crazy radical union, so they're alright with me.

they're really good at being white kids from rich families with humanities degrees from prestigious universities standing around patting each other on the back about how radical and proletarian they are, but as far as participating in real action and contributing to discourse in the city I've never been impressed. as an example they were closely involved in the local occupy and were one of the key influences that lead occupy to reject an offer for significant collaboration from a radical anti-colonial indigenous group because it would be "too alienating" and occupy needed to have a "broad appeal." pure garbage. being successful at defending your place in the bourgeois pecking order isn't the same thing as uplifting the whole people.

obviously i have a personal grudge here and i imagine things could vary regionally but mnnmnmeeeehhhhhhh i doubt it

lol this couldn't be further from the truth

if you are really seeing cupw and postal employees as a homogenous group, that's missing the point. It is easily the most anarchist, wildcat workplace in the country. cupw doesn't have anything to do with half the shit that goes on

occupy is garbage and always was


RBC posted:

occupy is garbage and always was

i agree, R>C>P

im going to talk to some college students about imperialism next week