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tpaine posted:

i read years ago that on chevy chase's awful 90's talk show queen latifah was a guest and there was a long awkward drawn out pause that chevy filled by just going "queeeen latifahhhh..." and i've always kind of wanted to see it but never really searched that hard for it, it sounds hilarious though. you should look up that show, dear reader, on youtube. there are some really painful clips from it

hilton als told me that wendy williams talk show is funny or at least watchable when you're resting your brain. i watched it and it's true, she shits on her audience quite a bit for their predictable reactions to tabloids, and also she spit out the warm water in her mug. 8/10 trashcans

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tpaine posted:

i don't know who hilton als or wendy williams are, animedad. you're gonna have to throw me a fricken bone here, scott

im not here to educate, im an interdimensional being and i given't not a single bone

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like , what is this place even? where to place my internet friends in this crazy mixed up life? will you feed my cat when im out of town or send me my favorite Starbucks drink when im in the hospital? or are you all merely reflections of myself, not ever to aspire to the corporeal?
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tpaine posted:

*friends and family appear spectrally and beg me not to drive*


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grandma stole my tv
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Gssh posted:

If anyone would know any good orgs or individuals working on the ground in Calais and Dunkirk that need a couple volunteers please PM me with details/contact info.


This is a good group

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ismail's argument for this is fairly good: you can't have scientific progress in the absence of a social movement with material organization and strength. you can't expect countries to spontaneously come to correct positions without a strong gay rights movement. it was suppressed with incorrect ideas in socialist countries, but the point of history isn't to hold up signs grading the performance of each leader. there was someone on revleft who tried to argue that enver hoxha was a bad leader because he didn't accommodate the transgender movement.
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conec posted:

it`s beyond not fostering a gay rights movement, though. it`s not like there was merely a prohibition of gay marriage, it was sending thousands of gays to gulags. also, lenin had already instated a "correct position" which was retreated from under stalin.

yeah, stalin sucks. everyone agrees on that. khrushchev made it the official policy of the communist movement.

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love that guy.....
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stalin was a big 'ol doofus
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conec posted:

stalin industrialized the soviet union at break-neck speeds... he prepared soviet union for the great patriotic war.. he is the best my respect

just how many broken necks are we talking here

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