Jewish privilege is milking the Holocaust for sympathy even though it happened, like, a LONG time ago. It's pretty gross, especially which you compare it to lots of other genocides that happened to less-white people. I am white.

babyhueypnewton posted:

goatstein you're actually anti-semitic

White Europeans arent Semites, hth

Jews are the MRAs of race lol
Saudi Arabia is like the MRA Israel
it's not directly related to the main point but ultra orthodox jews are a good example of that phenomenon i pointed out of people lacking real principles. so god has all these crazy rules that you 100% believe in. a few of them are moderately sized pains in the ass for a normal modern person. so they have come up with all these goofy tricks for getting around them. my fav is electricity, which is of course clearly a form of fire:

Many Jews who strictly observe Shabbat (the Sabbath), especially within Orthodox Judaism, refrain from what is considered turning electricity on or off during Shabbat. They may also refrain from making adjustments to the intensity of electrical appliances. Various rabbinical authorities have pronounced on what is permitted and what is not, but there are many disagreements in detailed interpretation, both between different individual authorities and between branches of Judaism.

Orthodox authorities of Jewish law have disagreed about the basis of this prohibition since the early 20th century. Many Orthodox leaders have held that turning on an incandescent light bulb violates the Biblical prohibition against igniting a fire (Hebrew: הבערה, hav’arah). However, the reasons for prohibiting the operation of an electrical appliance that does not produce light or heat, such as an electric fan, are not agreed upon. At least six substantive reasons have been suggested, and a minority believe that turning on an electrical fan is prohibited only because of common Jewish practice and tradition (minhag) but not for any substantive technical reason. Conservative Jewish authorities have argued that such reasons do not justify describing the use of electricity as prohibited.

Although directly operating electrical appliances is prohibited in Orthodoxy, several indirect methods are permitted according to some or all authorities. For example, Jews may look at the time on a clock, or set a timer before Shabbat to operate a light or appliance on Shabbat, and in some cases they may adjust the timer on Shabbat. Actions which activate an electrical appliance but are not specifically intended to do so may be permitted if the activation is not certain to occur or if the person does not benefit from the automatic operation of the appliance. For example, most authorities permit Jews to open a refrigerator door even though it may cause the motor to turn on immediately or later (not certain to occur); however, they prohibit opening the door if a light inside will automatically turn on (certain and of benefit). They also permit walking past a house with a motion sensor which switches on a light if the street is already well-lit (not of benefit), but not if it is dark.

Several innovations have been developed to address the various needs of the Shabbat observant user. One such consumer product available since 2004, the KosherLamp, facilitates the pseudo-control of lighting by blocking/unblocking a bulb that remains lit for the duration of Shabbat. Most recently, a patented technology being marketed under the brand KosherSwitch uses the concept of "Halakhic uncertainty" to provide a means of controlling electricity on-demand in a manner that is permissible according to several Orthodox authorities.
In Israel, some ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods are barricaded on Shabbat to prevent driving. In Mea Shearim, residents have been known to throw stones at those driving through their neighborhoods on Shabbat. In Jerusalem and some other Israeli cities with large Orthodox populations, public buses do not operate during Shabbat. Part of the reason public funding of religious education is justified is that part of the population views it as "sinful" to drive on Shabbat, and is annoyed by those who drive through their neighborhoods on the Shabbat.

i'm finding that new atheism has really dropped the ball on making fun of the jews. even muslims aren't half this goofy
thats because new atheism is a zionist initiative funded primarily by mossad intended to foment hatred against arabs
idk if its worth worrying about jewish 'privilege' as its more like theyve leveraged their centuries of experience dealing with societal alienation in old europe into the modern west where alienation is universal. the diasporae are the only 'nation' that didnt have to adapt, and whining about privilege at this late stage just makes white ppl look unsportsmanlike imo
the best thing Orthodox Jews do (besides the babypenis eating thing) is where they trick God into not being able to see them violate his prison contraband laws by hanging lengths of string between telephone poles. its like an episode of an 80s family sitcom where the siblings divide their shared bedroom in half, except with God on one side of the line and common sense and basic secular rational convenience on the other

they spent the entire past 2000+ years searching their holy books for every potential and minute loophole in order to literally jew the crap out of their own God, and then people wonder why so many of them become lawyers lol
wow, well, this is some great, great stuff
when will leftists be willing to recognize that their main points of contention over the policies of the US over the last 30 years - foreign aggression, support for dictators, israel, and economics - were all guided largely by jews. bernake, greenspan, kissinger, lieberman, kristol, kagan, volcker. many of the great opponents of these things were also jews, however - zinn, chomsky, finklestein, greenwald - so it's not as cut and dried as some would make it. however, if jews don't count as "white," then it's time that we stop blaming whites exclusively for our problems, and if they do, then holocaust remembrance is white privilege. qed
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i think jews are white. i mean yeah up close you can notice the curly hair and nictitating membrane but you deffo think they're white from a distance
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The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
sam adams is good beer tpaine. not that youd know with your platinum and 40s. are you a single mom in the ghetto
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roseweird posted:

tpaine posted:
i googled "fail aids" and this forum was the second result


Goethestein posted:

when will leftists be willing to recognize that their main points of contention over the policies of the US over the last 30 years - foreign aggression, support for dictators, israel, and economics - were all guided largely by jews. bernake, greenspan, kissinger, lieberman, kristol, kagan, volcker. many of the great opponents of these things were also jews, however - zinn, chomsky, finklestein, greenwald - so it's not as cut and dried as some would make it. however, if jews don't count as "white," then it's time that we stop blaming whites exclusively for our problems, and if they do, then holocaust remembrance is white privilege. qed

The history of all hitherto existing American society is the history of Jewish squabbles


Goethestein posted:

sam adams is good beer tpaine. not that youd know with your platinum and 40s. are you a single mom in the ghetto

you cant buy 40s in florida, get your facts straight goat

iwc, ifederico wants to know if he can have your aim name lol

Lessons posted:

ifederico wants


[account deactivated]
ff.funny..o.O acce-acceptable, Ffunny. AaAacceptableiI
{Straightens tie} Some guy tried to commit an own on this board by saying that this is the kind of place where people think saying "Fail AIDS" is not only funny, but acceptable, and the rest {temporarily fazes out} is history {disappears in static}
[account deactivated]
no one thought fail aids was funny until someone tried to commit ownage. Now, the ownage is on them, and good taste.

Anyway, good essay, disci
why is nobody willing to blame the gays a little bit for continuing to have huge amounts of unprotected anal sex with strangers engaged in the same behavior while they as a community were dropping like flies from a sexually transmitted incurable death plague

Edited by Goethestein ()

[account deactivated]
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i watched my friends die of brain hemorrhages. it was a fucked up time. why is it relevant to point out that they would all go out three days a week to get hit in the head with drywall hammers
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