
Tea party Rep.: Only $400,000 left after ‘I feed my family’

“In my own case, I own LLCs,” Fleming told MSNBC’s Chris Jansing. “The income flows to my personal tax return and whatever is left over after taxes are paid, I feed my family on the one hand and on the other hand, I reinvest in my business.”

“With all due respect, The Wall Street Journal estimated that your businesses, which I believe are Subway sandwich shops and UPS stores — very successful — brought you last year, over $6 million,” Jansing noted.

“Yeah, that’s before you pay 500 employees, you pay rent, you pay equipment and food,” Fleming agreed. “Since my net income — and again, that’s the individual rate that I told you about — the amount that I have to reinvest in my business and feed my family is more like $600,000 of that $6.3 million. And so by the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over to invest in new locations, upgrade my locations, buy more equipment.”

i pay 500 employees with less than $6 million

I went to eritrea should I do some sort of post on it?

I went to eritrea should I do some sort of post on it?


my olde manne be yn duste manne
he weart en dust mannes Kappe
he fuerted eart thi Keighweol
en parlyzen tha Caet
ok it'll take a bit here's preview pics

is that a third picture a soviet plane or is that just a coincidence

babyfinland posted:
is that a third picture a soviet plane or is that just a coincidence

soviets funded + armed ethiopia during the war so probabably


deadken posted:

babyfinland posted:
is that a third picture a soviet plane or is that just a coincidence

soviets funded + armed ethiopia during the war so probabably

yeah Thanks Baby Genius

yeah the soviets forgot their plane at the massawa bus stop
Either you are a bloody bad liar or you are an ignoramus. But once you are completely surrounded by Sunni Islamist MB-type regimes answering solely to the Sauds, it will become obvious that you and the Sauds are and for decades have been the closest of friends, and that ordinary Arabs are just pawns to be manipulated by your chosen and favoured terrorist gangs. By that time, the Sauds will have officially taken possession of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal, and we shall therefore be treated in addition to the nauseating spectacle of you enthusiastically licking their arses and congratulating them on their ‘responsible attitude’. In return they will graciously allow you to incorporate the west bank into your jews-only state, which will destroy their credibility and cause takfiri sentiment to become universal, but they won’t give a damn about this because like you they will imagine that possession of the bomb makes them into yankee-style supermen. As for the yankees themselves, by then they shall probably be living in penury under a dictatorship of pseudo ‘america-first’ demagogues, with specially recruited Jewish secret police to keep them quiet. Meanwhile there will be non-stop pompous discussions between Jewish ‘neo-cons’ and ‘neo-libs’ in ‘global’ yankee mass media about ‘democracy’: who’s ‘got it’, who ‘isn’t ready for it’, who ‘deserves it’, and so forth. So fuck off.
u can use horse manure to build a hut and it stays warm in the winter and cool&breezy in the summer
this is bullshit
"As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence. Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do. And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure."
I had been reading about some of the primitive human evolutionary stages a few days ago, and for some reason I realized while reading Capital at work this afternoon that just like the lineage of all humans can be traced back through DNA to a single common ancestor, so to does all of human production descend from some common simple tool. At some point in prehistory, someone picked up a rock and used it as a hammer or something and the useful products of that device were used over time to create increasingly more complex tools, which were eventually used to forge bronze tools, which were eventually used to craft iron and steel, etc. If you look at a computer screen or a shirt or a handful of pills, the history and lineage of their creation is a branching and interwoven family tree of evolutionary technological advance past the space age, past the room sized computers of the 50s, past the steam engines and animal powered mills, ultimately leading down to that point where one member of one tribe picked up a jagged rock and looked at a tree with a particular malice. Somewhere, probably in Africa, is a buried unremarkable fragment of rock or antler that will never be identified that just happens to have served as the keystone for all of human society
*jumpcut to space station*
His hating heart generates the electric buffalothunder
of the 20th Century Express pounds the pistons punch hiss
squirts of steam spit niagaras salt with bitterness scorch
scald the faces of the smalltowns mainstreets cities,

smalltownsmainstreetscitiescapital vanish past the thunder
lost in the smoke of an old world burnt behind
i drank a shitload of coffee and took a vyvanse and all i can do is post on forums & facebook instead of write
just drank a shot of hot sauce
if i don't physically mvoe around at least like walk 5 miles every day i start losing my calm
[account deactivated]
your op is shitty and incoherent
idk if thats a thing or not. but in seriousness youre a fag
[account deactivated]
I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. I'm a Truculent Succulent Babe. fuck you
The weak are cruel. The strong have no need to be.
[account deactivated]

Peel once told me, talking about Smith, who was probably the DJ's most consistently cherished protégé, how he found it odd to admire somebody's work, "when you suspect you'd find some of their attitudes utterly unappealing".

"It's true," says Smith, "that we didn't meet often."

"But you were a good left-wing boy when you started out, weren't you?"

"Yes. SWP. Hard-left." He fell out with his local Labour group after they opposed military intervention in the Falklands.

"I'm much more left now, though. I think Stalin had the right idea. Take one out of five fucking newspaper editors, and MPs, and shoot them. Then they'd buck up."

Smith bursts out laughing.

i think i may do a thread about this, maybe even an entire article! i think i shall!

[account deactivated]
the kajagoogoo nazi sings gabba gabba heil
An enemy convoy of tanks and trucks makes its way down a dirt road, comfortable in the knowledge that U.S. forces have not been seen in the vicinity for weeks. Unbeknownst to them, though, American troops have left behind a new, remote-controlled munition called the Hornet. The enemy convoy is about to get stung.
Equipped with seismic and acoustic sensors that can detect both the vibrations and the sound of moving vehicles, the Hornet calculates speed and direction and uses its onboard library to determine the types of vehicles passing by. Advanced electronics and GPS navigation receivers allow one Hornet to communicate this information to other Hornets in the field. When a declared target enters the Hornet's 100-meter range, the weapon rotates, tilts, and launches an explosive projectile above the enemy vehicle. An infrared sensor onboard the warhead homes in on the vehicle, aiming for the top of a tank, for example, where armor is usually the thinnest.
The Hornet is essentially a smart mine, and it can be turned off (again, by remote control) to allow the passage of friendly forces through the area, or at the cessation of hostilities. This last feature eliminates the threat of casualties among civilian noncombatants--the bane of war-torn areas throughout the world.

last night i got a blow job off a french girl
were they just lying on her? free to take?
Tonight we dine in Hall!
In his review, Peter Lamborn Wilson has expressed doubt as whether the book is a treatise on Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the Nomadic War Machine or not. Since some other readers have also questioned this, it will be probably more helpful to say that the book develops a geophilosophical reinscription of energetic models of psychology, a conjectural philosophical line with monstrous interpolated singularities: Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, Sabina Spielrein, Sandor Ferenczi and then culminating in Freud's dazzling energetic model of the unconscious and nervous system and then to Reich and so on. It is in giving the energetic models of the psyche a geophilosophical twist that Cyclonopedia departs from Deleuze-Guattarian geophilosophy and consequently speculates on a different model of the war machine, earth, Capitalism, monotheism, the human and the cosmic.