
babyhueypnewton posted:

understand that feudal remnants like christianity and islam can act as the opiate of the masses while liberalism can only be oppressive..

Couldn't disagree more, but hell, that's just my opinion.


glomper_stomper posted:

my master's thesis was on gould's non-overlapping magisteria. however, i do not care for wario




roseweird posted:

c_man posted:

does anyone who knows about theology know/care about gould's non-overlapping magisteria business?

it's silly

thats too bad. gould was a cool guy.

no one on here is an alcoholic because alcoholics actually attend meetings and are quitters
[account deactivated]
i am about to leave for a new 2-hour cooking class and then a new 1.5-hour group therapy session... i couldn't sleep because i was nervous. "very nice borat" - the kazakh newsman
[account deactivated]
thank you. away i go.......!
go group, getfiscal
Gat dang it I think the other people in this group are all 80 years plus. I've been hoodwinked by a dietitian. Oh well, I'll try my best not to disparage their Korean war records.

getfiscal posted:

Gat dang it I think the other people in this group are all 80 years plus. I've been hoodwinked by a dietitian. Oh well, I'll try my best not to disparage their Korean war records.

do you believe in life after love?


wasted posted:

I'm just glad the hacks at Hebdo are (potentially) getting a little bump in their paychecks/circulation with the global press coverage. Entertainment/Art is a tough gig with which to make a living.

"The magazine is returning with an estimated print run of more than 3 million copies, far higher than the paper's normal run of 60,000. It will also be translated into 16 languages."

this gave me a great idea: Im starting an advertising firm where struggling publications pay me to send swarthy-skinned folks with AK-47s to storm their offices and kill a handful of their most underperforming employees. #JeSuisKickstarter

there were 13 british men over 80 in the group and then me. they were makin shepherd's pie as the main. i got really anxious anyway and ended up just talking to the guy running it for a while about better options for me than being immersed in the culture of my hellish fatherland. that dude was really nice and i'll probably go to more of his workshops so a pyrrhic victory beats a flat loss.

babyhueypnewton posted:

while liberalism can only be oppressive

I went to a liberalism thing. There was george bush jokes and everything. grandmothers talking about saving capitalism from corrupt hedge fund managers. it was heartwarming not oppressive


discipline posted:

gwarp posted:

also, are all of you really alcoholics?

I'm getting there

khammy is up to a six pack a day of the 0.0


getfiscal posted:

pyrrhic victory beats a flat loss.


The apparently criminal viewpoint he posted on Facebook declared: “Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly.” Investigators concluded that this was intended to mock the “Je Suis Charlie” slogan and express support for the perpetrator of the Paris supermarket killings (whose last name was “Coulibaly”). Expressing that opinion is evidently a crime in the Republic of Liberté, which prides itself on a line of 20th Century intellectuals – from Sartre and Genet to Foucault and Derrida – whose hallmark was leaving no orthodoxy or convention unmolested, no matter how sacred.

Since that glorious “free speech” march, France has reportedly opened 54 criminal cases for “condoning terrorism.” AP reported this morning that “France ordered prosecutors around the country to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism.”

Mitt Romney is talking about running for President. The liberal media never hesitated to remind you - again and again and again - that Mitt Romney is a mormon candidate and the mormons have a history of polygamy. Here's something you didn't know. President Obama's father was asked to leave Harvard because the university discovered he was trying to marry a second wife without even divorcing the first one (he had two wives at the same time, and later married a third).

President Obama has proposed free community college to all Americans. He says this would cost $60 billion over 10 years. Well, using Politico's own figures, I calculated a cost of $20 billion a year, or $200 billion over 10 years. It's hysterically expensive. In addition, higher education is notorious for inflationary spending. They never cut budgets. They never stop building new buildings. They never cut prices.

The "Torture Memo" story is being pushed by a nonprofit organization, Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch is being sponsored by a $100 million, 10-year donation from George Soros, a prominent liberal supporter and critic of Israel. Its director, Kenneth Roth, pays himself $520,000 a year to talk about the importance of ending poverty. I'm not sure that he understands what the words "not for profit" mean. Human Rights Watch has been criticized by its own founder for losing context in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

President Obama is under no obligation of any kind - in spite of media complaints - to attend an outdoors "unity rally" in a showing of solidarity with the French people. This is a photo op. And it's absolutely embarrassing to have Mahmoud Abbas from the Palestinian Authority at an anti-terrorism event in Paris.

In Sweden, muslim gangs have taken control of between 55 to 186 "no-go" zones where Swedish police dare not tread for threat of violence. Organized crime is taking hold in these areas. Police were recently chasing a suspect into one of the no-go areas. Their car was rammed by muslims and a gang of up to 50 muslims surrounded the police. They were forced to leave. In 2013, muslims rioted and burned hundreds of cars, even buildings. These no-go zones tend to be minority zones in larger cities.

see more at mustang's new blog:

discipline posted:

this is mocking the french right's caricature of female muslim immigrants being welfare queens, it's not depicting muslim minorities but boko haram refugees, mocking the notion that immigrants move to france to live off welfare. its dissing the idea of welfare queens


fleights posted:

this is mocking the french right's caricature of female muslim immigrants being welfare queens, it's not depicting muslim minorities but boko haram refugees, mocking the notion that immigrants move to france to live off welfare. its dissing the idea of welfare queens

get this guy a time machine and a guardian column

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
arent boko haram refugees muslim

discipline posted:

On the other hand

i think that one is making fun of people who made those shitty films about islam and tried to pack in a bunch of junk.

the top says "the filming of a scandalous film about muhammad" (they mean like fitna or that other shitty one or whatever). the actor on the left says "are you sure that muhammad had sexual relations with a pig's head?" and the director says "we don't have the money for a 9 year old prostitute."
the guy who drew that is dead
[account deactivated]
enjoy your ability to distinguish yourself from idealist conceptions of God through idealist conceptions of atheism while capitalism, the true God, cannot be disbelieved in, or non-participated in, short of killing yourself or doing something really revolutionary (what is that?)

roseweird posted:

c_man posted:

thats too bad. gould was a cool guy.

i mean you can read it and decide for yourself, it's not that long iirc, neither is the address to which it was a response http://www.ewtn.com/library/papaldoc/jp961022.htm

im gonna keep reading his thing on evolutionary theory instead, but thanks

wow that is really short. i guess it more or less confirmed what i thought it was but i dont know anything about theology so my opinions about it are pretty uninformed, which is why i asked in the catholicism insanity forum
[account deactivated]
well, i ask because it seems fairly sensible to me.
[account deactivated]
in case anyone gives a shit, the new issue of Carles Beppo is here: https://pdf.yt/d/q56kPtRS2MdbLR4D

figured i should check it out becuase im trying to write something Effort about Freedom Etc. its lame and im glad most of these people died.
[account deactivated]
on the bad website "something awful" (what it's actually called) i read D&D for a bit when 9/11/2 happened against chorbo heggie and people were posting things like erotic stories based on muhammad's consumption of his marriage with a 9 year old. so like all those jackanapes are chortling along to something that would get any of us cool kids sent to forever jail until someone killed us with a sharpened shoe.
consummation not consumption. sorry... gotta get some sleep soon!
lol muhammed fucked a 12 year old *returns to watching lolicon*