vote here
[account deactivated]
The mustang alt that is actually a posting coalition of fedallah, h sax and tpaine.
[account deactivated]
I vote for Keven.
i of course am voting for innsmouthful
It'll be me. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the zzone
I'm voting for whoever gets Huey's endorsement.
rosenwald/the artist formerly known as mustang19
blinkingwheeze or jools or thug lessonds or really anyone who will ifap mustangs various alts on at least a biweekly basis

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

blinkingwheeze or jools or thug lessonds or really anyone who will ifap mustangs various alts on at least a biweekly basis

any one of those people plus roseweird (plus maggotmaster solely to act as final arbiter in any irreconcilable dispute between the two)

i vote for me, because i will do something, whereas other people wont do anything. also jools but idk if hes eligable
maggotmaster for supreme justice, to be contacted via tumblr and presented a case for a single final decision with roseweird acting as counsel for the prosecution and jools acting as counsel for the defense
thug lessons
i vote for My Esteemed Colleague

getfiscal posted:

i vote for My Esteemed Colleague

"if nominated i will not run, if elected i will not serve"

I vote for Pex
i vote for deek
i vote for myself, or thug lessons, or blink and wheeze, in reverse order
I vote for redfiesta.
i vote for b&w
Soft Money 1M
i nominate vileraet 4 forums corpsemod
miss march
i will vote for anyone who promises to create an empty account for every fallen goon and leave them signed in in perpetuity, in memorium
i vote blink and wease. my candidate wins and the election is over. thanks!
seconding corey
bhpn for permamod or if not i vote for jool
We need a moderator who will ban mustang accounts, who will gas goatstein's porno threads, who will work closely with our warden getfiscal to rehabilitate ifap inmates through the purifying action of work, who can be depended on to be active, and who will continue the legacy of babyhueypnewton, who presided over the period of highest growth in rHizzonE history. Hey, that all describes me, last election's runner-up... I didn't even realize...
i vote for blinkandwheeze or jools and i will also remind everyone that a vote for me is a vote for an updated front page.
[account deactivated]

MadMedico posted:


yeh I want to vote for that lykourgos bloke, too

let's remember the successful initiatives under the goatstein administration: the crimes of the jools administration were brought to an end. the ancient enemy of postgarden was destroyed. the babe drive was initiated, bringing an end to the posting glass ceiling. in both domestic and foreign policy, goatstein was triumphant. today we have an opportunity to reinstate these successful programs under the watchful eye of the greatest mod to ever mod. vote goatstein 2013
[account deactivated]