im a funky fresh rapper if you have any questions
[account deactivated]
post ur book lol
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i wrote that liking rap music makes you racist in a paternalistic way because it presumes it's the best black people can do and all i get is this guy throwing around words like gestalt and liebensraum and saying a rapper has prog-rock tendencies, i.e. an album that tells a story (?).


deadken posted:

post ur book lol

post your book
[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

deadken posted:

post ur book lol

[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

tpaine posted:

i wrote that liking rap music makes you racist in a paternalistic way because it presumes it's the best black people can do and all i get is this guy throwing around words like gestalt and liebensraum and saying a rapper has prog-rock tendencies, i.e. an album that tells a story (?).


conec posted:

i left some rings down in Africa (sonic hedgehog)

[account deactivated]
*tpaine contemplates the birdsong outside his shack* this is nonsense. this is bullshit. it's all just about sex
lol i just realised that the first argument i had with tpaine was back in helldump so like 2009? which means we've been arguing on the internet for maybe five years, full of disdain for a person on the other side of the world we've never met and don't really care about, which is absurdly comic and v depressing in equal measure. what is this shit

c_man posted:

tpaine's anthem

trill as fuk

[account deactivated]
lykourgos you shithead
upvote my fucking snipe you pisshole
[account deactivated]
i like that song

tpaine posted:

personally i can't dance because i have severe dyspraxia, one leg, one arm, constant uncontrollable motor tics, and a stimulant addiction, but yeah that's a song for dancing to, or getting pumped up to, or blasting out of a car. i can identify some more rap songs and their social function if you like
[account deactivated]
you can also press play on all the videos, at once. Nice.
joey can you give me all my accounts back so I can vote for my own posts
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
2016 man. two more years until the next one.

tpaine posted:

a huge proportion of my favorite songs are about relationships,

[account deactivated]
i don't think i like funky fresh rappers

sorry daddyholes, good luck with your funky fresh rap career
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

if there was something to like or hold on to in the average rap song other than the lyrics, i wouldn't criticize it so harshly. a huge proportion of my favorite songs are about relationships, which is the most boring thing imaginable to sing about for anyone outside of the relationship, but i can tolerate it because there's something compelling in the vocal technique or instrumental flourishes or just the melody. rap routinely fails to call attention to anything other the lyrical content, because it's sold as a vehicle for some kind of street poetry, emphasizing the flow and wordplay over the accouterments. if someone rapped a really creative narrative, that would be one thing. but it's all dumb fucking misogynist crap

you see it's weird because you say all this as if you know anything about any rap music other than the party music bnw posts in this thread but you clearly don't. you only expose yourself to one form of the music and then castigate all of it for being like that. it's not. lil jon isn't attempting to be some kind of street poet, he makes dance music and is very good at it. you don't like dance music which is ok but there's plenty of rap music featuring interesting vocal techniques, innovative production, live instrumentation, and yeah creative narrative storytelling if that's your kind of thing. go listen to kendrick lamar, or fuck it some backpack shit given that's probably closest to what you'd be into, you might like it. sort yourself out son

[account deactivated]
tpaine listen to this the whole way through. it has storytelling and melody and good production it's earnest as hell but it might be your kinda thing